He Is Definitely The Man For Me If He Is Willing To Do This Today...

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As the rest of the day goes on, Rachel and everyone else get ready. Jesse walks in as I finish putting everything on. Jesse takes my hand and my purse and guides me out of the apartment.

"J-Jesse! Where are we going, the performance is in a few hours." I say. He intertwined our hands and guides me into a taxi he had waiting.

"And we will be back in time. I promise. But I wanted to have some alone time with you. Dinner, then we head over to the theatre." He explains. I nod, feeling insanely hungry. We spent all day trying to help Rachel that we didn't even eat.

When we get to the restaurant, Jesse pays for the taxi and guides me out. I look and see that it's an outdoor restaurant with a band and an area for dancing. I smile happily. Jesse grins and takes me to a reserved table.

"Jesse. Did you plan all this?" I ask as he pulls out my chair. I sit down and wait till he sits across from me.

"Of course. These past weeks have been all about Rachel. I wanted to make you feel special." Jesse explains. I smile softly and take hold of his hand. I suddenly look down and notice there isn't any menus.

"What is there to order?" I ask. Jesse's grin widens.

"I've taken care of that. I thought we could have a blast from the past." Jesse states just in time for two big sandwiches and big salads are placed in front of us. Then glasses of lemonade. I laugh loudly, cupping my hands over my mouth.

"Jesse, this is perfect! I love it; and it looks amazing." I express.

We dig into our food and I was right. It was absolutely amazing. We talk about how his work has been and how school has been. We talk about the past and the future we want. Hopefully together- though Jesse seemed very optimistic about that. We talk about how Miranda, my old friend, is on her last year of college and going off to be a dance teacher at Madame's new school. We talk about our families and we just talk. And have such an amazing time. Even when we're finished, we continue talking. I mean, we still had a good chunk of time left.

I look down to grab my napkin when a hand comes into view. I look up and smile seeing Jesse's hand held out.

"Wanna dance?" He asks.

"Can you? Peacefully and not apart of a musical number?" I joke. Jesse grins and shrugs.

"I've been practicing." He quips. I smile and take his hand. He guides me to the middle of the partially busy dance floor. We still had a good amount of space. He holds me close to him as we sway and dance.

Suddenly the song changes and "one thousand years" starts playing. I jerk my head up to the band that now has a singer.

"Did you plan this too? The one song we ever sang together?" I ask in awe. Jesse shrugs and leans down, closing his eyes and placing his temple against mine. I smile and nuzzle into him, looking around the room.

In the corner there was a man painting. What he was painting, I don't know. But right next to him, stood too of those wooden artist dolls that reminded me of the time Jesse and I almost kissed when he was doing work and I was working on my dance.

"Hey Jesse, look, that painter has a mannequin like mi-"

"You know I was in awe with you from the moment we met," Jesse stated. My eyebrows furrowed and I backed up to look in his eyes. He looked really happy. "I will admit, I did see you as we both walked to the fountain. I will admit, you are the reason I walked to the fountain. I was struck by you from the moment I saw you. I wasn't even thirsty." He laughed.

"I knew it." I mumbled.

"Then, when I got to know you, god, it wasn't fair how amazing you were- are. Then we almost kissed and I have never wanted to kiss someone more in my life. Paige ruined it. I got nervous and overwhelmed by my feelings. So I ignored you. Then when I finally got to kiss you, I was overwhelmed as those feelings increased ten-fold. So I ignored you again. And wow, those months were torture. I needed to see you again but my feelings wanted to calm down. They wanted to return to normal. So I reverted back to liking my ex. But I wanted to see you and brought you and accidentally hurt you. And I am so sorry. For all I did to hurt you." Jesse expresses. A tear slips from my eye and he catches it, wiping it away.

Balancing Love ☞︎ A Jesse St. James fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now