What The Hell Is Up With Dance Teachers Hating Me?!

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There I was, peaceful and happily asleep in brand new dorm, mattress, and decorations to call my half of the room, my own. I was currently dreaming about sleeping in a room that I didn't have to share with my obnoxious roommate when-


I jerk awake, instantly sitting up on my bed. My eyes squint as the light from the hallways blinds me. My roommate left the door open as she had crashed on the floor. Obviously very drunk. She stumbles up and smashes the door closed. She starts walking in a wobbly line while I look down at the clock on my night stand.

I instantly groan. 4:18. FOUR- EIGHTEEN! It is 4:18 and it is the first day of dance class!

It has been a few wonderful weeks of college. I was already doing very well in all my classes. Dance class was one of the few classes that didn't start until a few weeks into the school year. It was my first day, AND THIS WOMAN WAS RUINING EVERYTHING I WAS PLANNING!

I wanted to get up at seven. Shower, put on the perfect set of dance attire, go get breakfast, and then head to class being a good twenty minutes early. But now, that's all ruined.

"Ashlyn... Can you please manage to walk in quietly when you stumble in drunk on a Monday morning at 4... 18..! In the morning." I ask ask politely ask I can when I am seething red hot anger. Ashlyn lets herself fall onto the bed before looking over at me.

"This is college. You're suppose to party and have fun!" She argues.

"Not when you're suppose to go to classes in the morning." I mumble half asleep as I fall back down onto my bed.

The next time I wake up I still feel horrible from my weird sleep pattern. I groan and notice Ashlyn snoring loudly. I groggily turn my head to the clock. I smile and turn away before doing a double-take. 8:39. 8:39!

"Oh, crap!" I shout, bolting up and carefully jumping over all of Ashlyns dirty clothes. I swing open my small closet and grab the first black leotard, fishnet stockings, and long skirt.

I tumble over myself as I throw everything on. As I finish getting dressed after falling once again, Ashlyn groans in protest.

"Oh, shut up, Ashlyn!" I spit out, throwing the door open before shutting it behind me, clutching my bag as I run to the studio.

I am completely out of breath by the time I get into the room. I throw my bad to the side and rush in. I turn my head as Rachel rushes over to me.

"Oh, thank god you're here. She's making us go down the room." Rachel explains quickly, grabbing my arm and pulling me in line. A base-ish kind of music starts playing throughout the room, completely different from what Madame played... Then in walks the teacher. Miss... July. Oh my gosh! It's thee Cassie July! Oh, god, she became a teacher after that fiasco?! Wow...

She walked through the room with a strong purpose and dominance. Ok, nice try there, girly. I brush a hand through my hair to hide my smile before quickly throwing my hair into a bun.

"All, right kids; show me what you got. Ready? Five, six, seven, eight," She ordered, banging her cane on the ground as kids started moving down the room. What is it with ballet teachers and having canes? "Welcome to NYADA. This is dance 101, my names Cassandra July, and if you are not suffering from severe body dysmorphia, then you don't want it enough." Miss. July called out as it was Rachel and I's turn to move down the room.

We get back in line and my mind is flowing. This is nothing compared to hours upon hours of Madame Resnakov's dancing methods.

"Let's get this straight, freshman: there's maybe two of you in this room that are good enough to make it in this nuisances. As for the rest of you, thank you for paying my rent on my loft in SoHo." She continues. We go through the line again before going back in.

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