Call to an old friend

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Chapter 4

I just finished changing after shift when I heard a knock on the locker room door. I looked up and saw Spike.

“How long have you been there?” I asked.

“Just got here, I promise.”

I had to laugh at that. “What did you need?”

“Just wondering if you were ok.”

“I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be? She didn’t jump.”

“You said you used to be her.”

No way buddy not talking about that. Forbidden territory. I thought as I grabbed my purse and closed my locker. “I did, only difference is I never attempted suicide. I’m fine.” Then switching to a more flirty tone I continued, “But it’s sweet of you to be concerned.”

He grinned and replied, “Anytime. You want to go grab a beer?”

 “Can’t. I promised my brother and best friend to call them with all the exciting details of my new job. Rain check?”


“See you tomorrow.”

The whole drive home I turned the conversation over in my head, analyzing every detail.  Did I really just flirt with him? Did he flirt back? Nope. No way am I going to risk losing my job because I’m dating a member of the team. I’ll just put the whole thing out of my mind.

When I got home I nuked a frozen dinner. While I was eating I debated who to call first. I decided to call Garcia first. She could tell me if the team was out on a job. I picked up the phone and dialed.

“You have reached the all-knowing one of Quantico, how may I be of assistance?”  Classic Garcia.

“Hey Penelope, you good to talk?”

“Thunder Reid, it’s about time you called. Tell me everything.”

“Any particular place you want me to start?”

“Well since you ask, any hot guys?”

My mind immediately flashed to Spike, but I wasn’t going to spill. Not right away anyway. “Maybe.”

“Translation, yes. Details please.”

“You know me to well. His name is Michelangelo Scarlatti, but he goes by Spike. He’s the Explosives Expert.”

“I understand the appeal and haven’t even seen the guy. He ask you out yet?”

“It was my first day, Garcia.”

“You have that effect on guys, T. And I can tell by the way you’re talking that something must have happened.”

“He just asked if I wanted to grab a beer after shift.”

“And there you have it.”

“Getting a beer after shift isn’t exactly a date.”

“Think what you like, but for someone who sees everything you can be pretty blind sometimes.”

“Whatever. The team on a job at the moment?”

Yeah, they are currently in Phoenix.”

“Thanks. Let me know when they get back.”

“Will do. Talk to you later.”

“Bye, Garcia.”

After I hung up my thoughts flicked back to Spike. I turned things over in my head, but no matter how I looked at it I couldn’t deny the truth. I had a major crush on the guy. Pretty eventful first day on the job.

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