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Chapter 31

“Alright guys we got one shot at this. We go fast and we go careful.” Greg told the team as they flew through the streets.

“No brainer Boss. When we get there Wordy and Jules go around back. Sam you take the front. I’ll take Sierra. Spike I want you in the truck?” Ed handed out assignments.

“There’s a bomb involved Ed. And the team’s a man down as it is. Don’t you think I should be out with you guys?” Spike said.

“You have emotion invested in this call Spike. And the doctor was pretty reluctant to clear you this early as it is. You are in the truck until we need you to defuse the bomb. Any more argument and you can go home.” Ed replied.

“Yes sir.”

Thunder’s POV

We heard the sirens approaching. Chance glanced at me with a twisted smile on his face. “Team One to the rescue. Can’t wait to meet your family.”

“How on earth did I end up dating the one of the sick creatures I hunted for a living?” When he turned towards me, murder in his eyes, I faked innocence. “Oops. Didn’t mean to say that out loud.”

Before he could react we were interrupted by the most annoying persistent voice ever. And I have never been so happy to hear it in my life.

“My name is Greg Parker. I work with the Strategic Response Unit and I want to talk.”

“A member of my team is going to be throwing a phone through the window so we can talk.” Greg said through the megaphone.

“Sierra One what’s your status?” He asked.

“No solution. Repeat, no solution. I can see her just fine but he’s staying away from the windows.” Ed’s voice came over the headsets.

“How is she?” Spike asked before he could remember to keep it professional for anyone reading the transcripts.

Ed sighed. He knew Spike was worried, but that was a major slipup. “She’s fine, Buddy. Believe it or not she doesn’t even look scared. She looks ticked and annoyed.”

“Sounds like our T-bird.”  Sam cut in. “Boss phone is in ready for you to call.”

“Alright. Thanks Sam.” Greg said already dialing. The phone rang and rang.

“Hello.” Finally.

“Hi is this Chance McKay?”


“How’s it going in there?”

“Everything is fine.”

“That’s great. Just something I need to know. According to my guys you have one of my team members in there, and I just need to know she’s ok. Can you tell me that?”

“She’s fine. Just a little wired.”

The headsets played everyone’s muttered responses to the sick joke. Greg covered the phone’s mouthpiece with his hand and tried to calm them down. “Easy guys. I don’t like it either, but if we lose our cool we don’t get to bring our girl home.” Then he turned his attention back to Chance. “You want to explain to us why we’re all here today?”

“I was hoping you can explain that to me Sargent. You must know how my girlfriend was able to choose a group of people she barely knows over me.”

“She’s told us about you, Chance and she didn’t say that you were her boyfriend. In fact she kicked of a whole explanation with you not being her boyfriend and ended it by naming her current boyfriend. And for the part about her choosing us. You go through a lot on this job so you get pretty close to the people you work with.”

“She got especially close to a certain team member. Tried to leave me for him.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. But I know Spike and I know Thunder. I know he is a good cop and a good person. And I know she would not do something that huge without a reason.” Chance had already blown it, might as well give the higher powers everything.

“I gave her a chance to fix it. But she still chose him over me. Now you all pay.”

A chill went through the whole team. “What do you mean Chance? How are we going to pay?” Greg asked desperate for a hint at his plan.

“You want her back you have to come and get her.” Was the last response before he hung up.

Feeling frustrated Greg moved his phone away from his ear. “Spike patch audio from the phone through to the headsets.”

“Got it. Coming at you….now.”

“Boss what do you think he meant?” Jules asked.

“I don’t know, but if I had to guess, I would have to say that I think if she’s going to have to die he’s going to find a way to make us all die.

“Then let’s screw up his plans.” Ed said.

 Thunder’s POV

“You know this is all your fault right?” Chance asked me.

I kept my mouth shut. Just make sure he keeps talking T. Jules and the guys can listen through that phone. Get him to warn them to clear out.

“I mean you are the one who decided to break up, even after I warned you what would happen. Then you got me locked up and ran away while I was in jail. You brought me here. You forced me to come up with this plan that will kill your entire team. Everything that happens here today is on you.”

I looked him right in the eye. “If this is my fault then just kill me, not them.” I was doing a pretty good job at keeping my voice calm.

He stalked over to me gave me a good one across the face. Before I had time to react the door burst open and Sam came in followed by Wordy and Jules. “Police. SRU. Drop the gun and back away from the girl! Do it now!”

Chance just smiled and put the gun down. They cuffed him and called for Spike over the headsets. Everything was going right again until Spike started working on the bomb.

“Oh no.”

“What’s going on Spike?” Wordy asked.

“There’s a timer and I can’t override it. I can probably get it off her, but there’s no way to keep it from blowing.” He replied already starting to remove it.

“How much time is left?” Sam asked.

“About four minutes.”

Sorry Spike. “Spike leave me the tools. I can get it off. The rest of you get out of here.”

“What? We can’t leave you.” Spike said.

“You can’t all risk dying. Now hand me those cutters and get out.”

He opened  his mouth to argue. I gave him the look I use to get hardened criminals to tell me the truth. Everyone at the BAU called it the wolf stare. Whatever. It got me results and right now I needed the result I wanted. Seeing my expression he nodded, handed me the bag, then the all headed out of the building. Satisfied I started cutting the stupid thing off.

Spike skidded to a stop by the trucks and turned to the abandoned building. Thunder was smart and fast. She should’ve gotten that thing off and be out by now. He couldn’t see her anywhere. Then the bomb went off, and there was still no sign of her.

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