...Your Crazy Ex Escapes From Jail

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Chapter 21

I didn’t talk much the rest of the day. At first the guys tried to get an explanation out of me, but they quickly figured out I wasn’t in the mood to talk. Jules, to her credit, was a little less pushy. “See you tomorrow T. And call me if you feel like talking.”

“Thanks Jules. See you tomorrow.”

When I got home I flopped onto the couch. I pulled out my phone and dialed. Before I left Quantico I had Morgan and Garcia promise to keep an eye on my whack-job, control freak, jerk of an ex-boyfriend. They had some explaining on this unwelcome surprise.

“Hey Vegas. What’s up?” Morgan greeted me.

“I’ve seen better days. Are there any updates on the Chance front?”

“Not that I know of. Why?”

“Check again please. And have Garcia do a wider search. Maybe into Canada.”

“Alright. I’ll call you back when we’re done.” He seemed a little nervous. Good be nervous because if I find out he slipped through your net there’s gonna be hell.

After he hung up I called Spike.

“Hey T. I was just about to call you. What about the call you guys had make you act antisocial?”

“Who called you?”

“Sam. He thought that I would have an explanation for your odd behavior. What is the explanation?”

“A long story that I don’t feel like telling anyway let alone over the phone.”


“But if you come over and bring food with you I might tell it.”

“Done be over in 10.”

“See you then.”

True to his word Spike showed up ten minutes later carrying a pizza box. “Hey. I’m ready for the big story.” He said with a grin.

I had to smile. “Alright then. Problem is I don’t know where to start.”

“Well,” he said, sitting on the couch. “Start with what part of today’s call put you in a bad mood.”

I sighed and sat next to him. “We were helping guns and gangs with an arms bust. The guy dropped his phone when we arrested him. I recognized the name, but couldn’t believe who it was so I answered. And the voice was the same.”

“Same as who?”

“My sociopath ex-boyfriend who’s super possessive, and thinks I’m still his girlfriend.”

“Of course. How could I not see the obvious?” He said sarcastically. Then in a more serious tone, “How come you never told me?”

“One, it’s not the kind of thing I advertise. Two, we’ve been dating a little over a week. Three, last I knew he was in a Vegas jail cell. And four, the few people who do know are my brother and my BAU team. And the rest of my BAU people know because I asked two of them to keep an eye on him, and he may have started killing a bunch of people to try to regain my attention after I broke up with him.”

“Wow….I can’t find any words.” He didn’t need to his eyes showed all of his concern.

Before I could reply my Morgan’s ringtone started blaring. I looked at Spike. “Sorry gotta take this.”

I stood and leaned against the wall before answering. “Whatcha got?”

“You’re not going to like this.”

“I know he’s not in Vegas. I know he’s in Canada. What I want to know is how he got past you and how he knew I was in Canada?”

“That’s what you’re not going to like. According to records our guy, Chance McKay, is still in jail. But a prisoner who looks very similar named Jason Kudo escaped a month ago. He was a big time arms dealer, based in Canada.”

“So Chance switched identities with Jason, headed up the arms dealing, and found me in Canada.”

“Pretty much. Sorry T. We probably should’ve figured something was up when ‘Jason’ escaped.”

“I’ll let it slid this time.” I replied hanging up.

“What was that about?”  Spike asked.

“That was one of the people keeping an eye on Chance.”

“And he escaped?”

“The guy is a nut, but he’s not a moron.”

“If he finds you what happens?”

“Don’t know for sure. He’ll probably kill you, maybe the rest of the team. No idea if he’ll try to keep me around or kill me.”

“We need to tell the team.”

“I will tomorrow.” I said then something hit me. “Wait, we?”

“Yeah, we need to tell them everything.”

I looked at him and saw it. We may have been together a little over a week, but I was already sick of hiding. And he was too.

“Alright. First thing tomorrow we tell them everything.”

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