Just When You Think Things Are Going Right.....

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Chapter 20

You know things are bad when you find having a gun held to your head annoying instead of terrifying. Let me back up a bit. We finished briefing and headed out the bar that our guy went to every day. He was easy to pick out. Black hair, bright blue eyes. It also wasn’t that hard to get him alone. The problem came up when he backed me up against the wall and found my Taser. My lie didn’t convince him either, especially when he found my badge. So now I got to stand there while Boss tried to talk this guy down.

“I know you don’t want to be charged with shooting a cop George, so just put the gun down.” Sarge said calmly.

“I won’t need to shoot her because I’m walking out of here.” He yelled. I rolled my eyes. This guy is way too used to yelling and getting what he wants.

“I’m sorry, but we can’t let that happen.” Sarge replied. Ah, Boss. The most annoying calm voice anyone has ever heard.

But George apparently wasn’t in the mood for calm. He cocked the gun and pressed it even harder against my skull. Then he was distracted by the sound of a phone ringing. Seeing my opportunity I grabbed the gun as he lowered it and twisted, most likely breaking his wrist. The team immediately came over and took him off my hands

I glanced at the floor where his phone was still ringing. I picked it up and checked the caller ID. When I saw the name I hit accept and listened to the voice on the other end.

“Mr. Chase, you better have a good reason for not picking up.”

I hung up. Yep I knew exactly who that was. “Shit.”

 “What’s wrong T?” Wordy asked hearing me.

“I know this guy’s boss.” I replied.

“How?” Ed asked.

“I used to date him.” I said. And then silently added: And now he’s found me again.

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