Call from the BAU

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Chapter 13

We talked for another hour and finished the pizza. Then Spike had to head home. He gave me a quick kiss and left. Almost as soon as he closed the door my phone started ringing.


“Hey Vegas.”

“Derek Morgan, what’s up?”

“Everyone finished all their paperwork and decided to call you. Did I mention that you’re on speakerphone?”

“No you didn’t. Hey everyone.”

“How are things going in the new job?” Prentiss asked.

“Pretty good, definitely not boring. Just today I helped figure out a bomb.”

“A bomb!? Are you nuts, T?” Garcia, the ever concerned.

“Relax. I was outside the building. I just suggested which wire to cut.”

“Your call today wouldn’t have anything to do with the arrest of James and Crystal Brian would it?” My brother Spencer asked.

“Yes is does, boy genius, yes it does. It made the news already?”

“Yep. I told them one of those cops looked like you, but they didn’t believe me.” JJ said.

“The news got me on camera and I didn’t notice?”

“I’m pretty sure the only way for the press to get you on camera without ticking you off is to do it without you noticing.” Prentiss teased

Morgan decided now was the perfect time to ask, “What’s this Garcia’s telling us about you getting a new boyfriend?”

I rolled my eyes. “Not that is your business, but he wasn’t really my boyfriend until about an hour ago.”

“Ha I knew it would happen. Garcia gloated.


“And what does the gentleman in question do, that makes him our Thunder’s type?” Morgan asked.

“He the team’s Explosives Expert. Basically a geek with combat skills.”

“Who are you guys talking to?” Somebody asked.

“And why must you all talk to them?” Asked another voice.

“Hi Hotch. Hey Rossi, its Thunder.”

“Thunder, heard you were involved in the arrest of that husband and wife robber team.” Rossi said.

“Yeah, nice work any longer and we might have had to take the case.” Hotch added.

“I really didn’t do much. Just sat in the truck and watched them, feeding info to the boss.”

“You forgot the part about helping with the bomb.” Spencer said.

“It was one wire, Spence. And it was after the subjects were custody.”

“You ok Thunder? Normally you like taking all the credit you deserve.” Prentiss said.

“Just tired, crazy day on top of not much sleep the past two nights.”

“And what would be the reason for that?” Morgan asked.

“Consumed by guilt for saving a serial killer. Added to by guilt for feeling guilty.”

“Wow. That’s a story we need to hear. But some other time, we got a case.” Hotch said.”

“Isn’t it a little late to brief?”

“Case is in California and they want us there ASAP.”

“Good luck. Nice talking to you guys.”

“Bye Thunder.” They all chorused.

I hung up, walked to my room, and flopped down onto my bed. Crazy day, which for me was normal. And it was only day four.

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