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Chapter 14

I was having way too much fun. I dodged Sam’s arm and tripped him. He hit the floor. For the seventh time today. There hadn’t been any calls so we decided to do a little training. Spike was working with Babycakes, Greg was coaching Ed and Jules in negotiation, and Wordy was giving Sam and I hand to hand combat training. I was totally loving it, Sam not so much.

“Do you have to do that every time T?” He groaned.

“I don’t know. Do you have to try the same exact thing every time? Mix it up a little Samo. Keep me guessing.”

“She’s got a point Sam.” Wordy put in. “You keep trying the same thing.”

Sam sighed and got up. This time I went after him. I tried to duck, but I misjudged his speed. I hit the ground, but no way was I losing. Instead I rolled with the momentum, swung my legs around to kick his out from under him. Grinning, I got to my feet. “Sorry bud, that was good, but I play to win.”

“Careful Thunder, don’t break one of my best snipers.” Ed said as he, Greg, and Jules came up to us.

“Thanks Ed.” Sam said as he got to his feet.

“He’s not that far off Sam. I wouldn’t want to be the one to go against her.” Greg put in.

“Someone would have to be crazy to take Thunder on in a fight.” Spike said as he strolled over. When he caught my eye he smiled and winked. I looked away. We’ve been dating a week and have so far managed to get away with it. But still, when risks are high, better safe than sorry.

“Yeah, I’m starting to get that.” Sam replied. Then to me, “It’s ok to pull your punches. It won’t offend me.”

I laughed. “Noted. And Ed, if I did hurt him I would totally feel bad, but I could do his job.”

“Thank you Thunder. If I get hurt sparring with you I’ll sue.”

I smirked. “You can try, but I’m pretty good at winning arguments.”

We all laughed at that one. Then Winnie came over the speakers. “Team One, hot call, shots fired.”

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