Lethal Force

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Chapter 23

As we walked out of the briefing room the alarm went off.  “Team One, hot call.  Shots fired at a high school.” We ran to the trucks.

When we got there the halls were empty and quiet. Way too weird for a high school. We headed to the main office to set up a command post. While Jules and I set up Greg questioned the principle.

“Any idea who we’re dealing with?”

“Yes, Curtis Scott. He’s a sophomore, quiet kid, good grades, more of the loner type but some kids work better that way.”

“Any idea what would drive him over the edge like this?”

“No, but if kids have problems they usually don’t come to us. Sad, but true.”

I looked up. “Boss I pulled his records. It holds up he’s a good kid, great grades, clean police record. Home life isn’t that hot. Mom’s gone, dad’s unemployed, he’s pretty much alone.”

“So if he’s being bullied at school…” Ed started.

“He’s got no support system and no one to keep him alive.” Wordy finished.

“Alright, let’s see if we can fix this. Ed and Wordy take the first floor. Sam and Thunder, second. Jules, you’ll stay here and run command post.”

We nodded and headed out. Sam and I jogged to the stairs and took them two at a time, pausing at the landing before continuing.

We went through two halls before we heard them.

“What the hell do you want?” A voice shouted, muffled by the wall.

“Boss,” Sam whispered. “We got them.”

“Where are you?”

“Second floor, English hall. They’re in room 44.”

“We’re a minute away guys, wait for us.” Ed commanded.

True to his word Ed appeared a minute later with Wordy in tow. “Alright, Sam you go less-lethal. Thunder you do the talking. Ready?”

We nodded. “Now.” We burst through the door. “Police, SRU, drop the gun.”

Curtis looked up, startled. “Stay back.”

I drew in a breath. This kid looked terrified, and his eyes had the dead look of someone who has already given up. “We don’t want to hurt you Curtis, but I’m telling you right now that if you raise that gun, we will have to shoot you.”

He let that sit for a minute, then he lowered the gun even more so that is has pointing at the floor at his side.

I smiled. “Thank you Curtis, this makes our job easier. Now how ‘bout we talk?”

“Only if you lower your guns.”

I glanced at Ed. He and lowered his gun. We all followed suit. “Ok Curtis do you want to talk now?”

“What is there to talk about?”

“How about why we’re all here today? Why are you doing this?”

“I can’t take it anymore.” That was all. I sighed inwardly. Kid if I’m going to help you I’m going to need a little more. Woah. Losing your cool T-bird. Chill he’s been through a lot.

“Take what anymore?”

“Every day I come to school and it’s the same thing. I’m all alone and he and his little group of followers are after me. I could take the alone part if they would just leave me alone.” He said. I could hear the pain in his voice.

“Curtis I understand.”

“No you don’t.”

“Yes I do. I was put a year ahead in school. I was the smartest and youngest in my class. I was constantly picked on. My dad was gone and my mom was a little…distracted.”

“How did you make it?”

“I found something I loved to do and held on to it. I never quit, because then they would win.”

He was quiet for a while. Sarge came over the headset. “Watch it T. Seems like he’s giving up.”

I resorted to good old-fashioned begging. “Curtis please, put the gun down, we can fix this.”

Something in his eyes changed. “No.” He said raising the gun slightly, causing all of us to raise our weapons. “This can’t be fixed.”

He cocked the gun and pointed it directly at Sam. A gun went off and the kid went down. I took me exactly 56 seconds to realize that the gun was mine.

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