Bad Day Made Worse

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Chapter 24

I looked at my phone. Set it down. Glanced around the small interrogation room. Checked my phone again. Started tapping my foot. The door opened. Finally. It’s been 10 minutes.

“Officer Reid I’m here to make sure that every option was exhausted and your use of lethal force was necessary.”

I just nodded.

“Why don’t you run through the whole thing in your own words?”

Whose would I use? “We got a call for shots fired at a high school. When we got there we were told the name of the subject. We then split to cover the school looking for him. Officer Braddock and I heard the hostage through the wall. When Officers Lane and Wordsworth arrived we went in. I tried to talk him down, but he was done. He cocked his gun and pointed it at Officer Braddock. That’s when I shot him.” Shot him. I shot a kid.

“And are you convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that every option was exhausted before you had to take the shot?”

“You mean besides watching him shoot Sam then having to shoot him?”

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

Another half hour of repeated questions I was walking to the locker room at SRU. Jules and the guys, bless their hearts, were waiting for me.

“So how’d it go?” Ed asked blocking my way.

“Fine. I told them how it was and managed to make it through interrogation without blowing up.”

“They are pretty tough.” He commented.

“Yeah, you haven’t seen me in action. The part that bugged me is they just kept asking different variations of the same question.”

“Trying to trip you up. Though they should know better than to try that with someone who specialized in interrogation.” Sam said.

“Yep. You guys want anything else? Otherwise I’m changing and going home.”

“Nope. We just wanted to make sure you were still sane after your first lethal.” Ed answered.

“That’s sweet guys, but it’s not the first time I had to take a lethal shot. And I don’t think I was completely sane to begin with.”

They all laughed and waved they headed for the doors. Except for Jules. “Can we talk?” She asked.

“Yeah just give me a couple minutes to change. Is this going to be a long convo? Because if it is I suggest picking up a pizza and meeting at my place.”

“Yeah it might be. Give me your address. I’ll get the pizza and meet you there.”

I snagged some paper and a pen from the desk and wrote it down for her. Then I went to the locker room to change.

Fifteen minutes later Jules and I were sitting in my living room eating pepperoni goodness. I couldn’t wait anymore. “What did you want to talk about?”

“I was wondering if you knew about Sam and I as long as I’ve known about you and Spike.”

“Depends how long have you suspected. Because I was guessing you guys were a couple from day one.”

“Wow. You’re good. I’ve suspected you two pretty much from day one of your relationship.”

“You’re not that bad yourself. How come you didn’t tell Boss?”

“If I was wrong I didn’t see the point of risking your jobs. And if I was right, well I might as well tell him about my relationship with Sam while I was at it. Why didn’t you tell?”

“Same reason as you.”

She nodded. We sat for a few minutes then she switched topics. “Are you sure you’re ok?”

“Jules, I’ve had to shoot people before. It’s a little harder because he was a kid, but I can deal with it in time.”

“I meant with this whole ex mess.”

I sighed. “I don’t know.”

“You want to talk?”

“Not really. I still need to process. But when I’m ready I’ll call you.”

She nodded. “Good. I’m going to go but call me soon.”

“Got it, see you tomorrow.”

When she closed the door my phone rang.


“You never struck me as the Canada type Thunder. Smart move.”

“What the hell do you want whack job?”

“My girl.”

“I’m not your girl.”

“We’ll see about that. Goodbye for now.”

I dialed Spike. “Can you come over? Crazy ex has made contact.”

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