Save me.

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    ⚠️ warning there is a steamy scene ahead. If you don't want to read please skip this chapter.⚠️  thank you for reading!😊

                            -  Silver  -

  Greyson is making me feel things I've never felt before and I can't lie, it's scaring the living shit out of me. Never in my life have I questioned my self control. Never have I even thought about doing something so tabu and wild. The only think I know for certain is there is a pull coming from between us that's making it hard to resist.

I hardly know this man and I'm not even ashamed of how easy it was to melt in his arms and let him take control. Something deep inside me craves him so deeply that it makes it hard to breathe. He makes me feel alive, he makes me feel safe and beautiful.

"Come eat Silver."

I cover my naked body as his house staff places our food in front of us and I squirm uncontrollably at their judgmental gazes. The man filling our drinks looks up at me and looks far to long for my liking, this makes me whimper lightly. Greyson seems to notice and snaps his head towards the guy and growls angrily.

"Go home Justin!"
Greyson snaps and I flinch as the boy scurries away terrified.

I sit down as everyone leaves and breathe in the aroma filling the air. The roasted chicken soup looks amazing and my stomach grumbles agreeably.
"Are you allergic to anything miss Killian?"
I hum out loud as the soups flavor engulfs my mouth before taking another bite.

"Just to bullshit."
I smile at him and he tries to fight a smile but fails miserably.

"Your very unique, I can't say I've met anyone with your charming personality."
I roll my eyes playfully feeling my body relax the more we talked. I'm aware his eyes are roaming my body so I  lift my leg letting him catch a glimpse of my glistening mound before crossing my legs.

To anyone else it would seem innocent or by accident but still it gave me the reaction I was hoping for. His body tenses and his nostrils flare drinking me in inch by inch. When he speaks it's deeper and on edge.

"Miss Killian, how are your studies?"
He attempts to continue the conversation and I wonder if he is going to move passed what happened upstairs. Still I clear my throat and answer honestly .

" I'm very smart, in fact I could have graduated in seventh grade but my foster mom refused. I also took care of the children in the home and did her job for her since I can remember.

In a way I'm great full for her slacking. It kept me busy and gave me some one on one time with the kids in the house. I'm actually kind of worried because without me there I don't think they will have lunches made for them or breakfast or dinner made when they are home."

Greyson listens carefully and nods along.
"Do you have any friends?"
I give him a half smile and take a drink of my water.

"Stormy my foster sister and Zed have been my only friends. When I was 4 an older woman was taking a jog on a path close to the woods. She found me in a puddle of blood unconscious. I didn't know what had happened let alone my name so the police closed the case when they couldn't find were I'd come from or who's blood was on me..."

I look up making sure I haven't scared him off before continuing.

"Anyway, it's hard to make friends when you have that hanging over your head. People spread rumors about me killing my family, or that I was raped. The truth is I honestly don't know. But the only thing I do remember is a boy yelling my name before I was found. That boy is in my dreams every night and well it's not very pretty and I still can't make out what happened. The boy is dead I'm sure of it. His ghost comes to me every once and a while repeating "things aren't what they seem" over and over again. "
Greyson frowns and reaches for my hand and squeezes it softly.
"Why did Karen send you to me if you really do see spirits?"

I open my mouth to continue but close it again. Finally I speak in a hushed voice.
"Because she doesn't believe me. Nobody does, I've grown used to it. Even I find it hard to believe it sometimes so I understand them for not trusting my gifts but Karen has hated me since the day I arrived at her door step.
She has everyone fooled thinking she's a caring parental figure but not me."

He sighs and eats the last of his soup.
"Were you hurt when they found you?"

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