Save me.

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                                - Silver -

I walk out into the hall waiting for Zed and atlas to work out their differences only to bump into a limping beautiful woman.
     "You need to get out of here now! She'll be here any minute now."
    The woman looks me over and grips my shoulders.
   "Look my names Ivory, if you don't want to be tortured to death I'd get a move on it. I've been here long enough to know when she walks these halls."
   Her grip tightens hurting my arms a bit before she gasps looking wide eyed over my shoulder. She starts to stutter and limps back stumbling over stone rubble on the ground.
    "She- sh.. she's here!"

  I turn around quickly and scream as the deformed woman floats into the air spazzing

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  I turn around quickly and scream as the deformed woman floats into the air spazzing. Her shadow grows on the wall as she points a long crackling Boney finger at me.
     "What the fuck is that!"
The injured woman named Ivory grabs my hand, and shoves me down a new path that wasn't there before.
    "She's the first demon created in limbo. She's the only one who can kill us without us giving in. Now run!!!"
     We shift through new halls in search for a clearing when we come across tortured souls reaching out of rusted bars, begging us to free them.

 Now run!!!"     We shift through new halls in search for a clearing when we come across tortured souls reaching out of rusted bars, begging us to free them

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Ivory pulls a chain quickly and watches as the woman screams at us with the intention to kill me clear in her eyes. The souls start stumbling out giving us enough time to escape the horrific woman.
     "The ripper has set her eyes on you. You need to hide. If she catches you, you will die."
    Ivory says and hands me a rusty pipe from the floor.
   "What about you?"
   The woman gapes at me like I've lost my mind.
     "I'm telling you to run because you have the only demon who can end you down here chasing you down , and your worried about me?"
    I chuckle and grabs her hand searching for an escape.
    "Don't worry, I have a plan."

                                 - Zed -

I just got her back and now she's gone. I look at my father who sniffs the air again and examines the footprints on the filthy floors.
     "She went left here. Something is chasing her, and it looks like she has company."
   I look at my dad and search his face waiting for more but he just stands up and points to the hall before walking forward.
   " why did you want me to kill her?"
My words fall out of my mouth but I stand tall hoping he won't go off. I swallow quietly and try to seem less affected by his tense posture.
    Just as I'm about to break my composure he speaks in a broken voice.
   "Son... I've been blind for years now with one goal. When my brother died his dying wish was to have our kind live in peace. Silver was the only one who could stop me. You don't know half of what she's capable of. No matter how strong our bond is, I tried to fight it so I could give my brother his wish. It was wrong of me to train you to do something like that, and I'm truly sorry. All I've ever wanted was for you to live in peace. I just wanted a world where you could walk the streets by my side and not have pitchforks and flaming torches fallowing our ever move."

    I try to speak up but he stops me and steps closer.

  "Silver is a part of me but you are my family. I know I've never been one to show it but you mean the world to me Zed. You where the only child who looked up to me. Your brothers and sister were always trying to fight for my attention when you were around because they knew how much I cared for you. I was once just like you, my brother Michael brought out the best in me just like silver does for you. When he died I became cold and distant. I just wanted to avenge my brother."

    I've never seen my father look so human before. He's always been a hard shell of a person. Right now I feel like I'm seeing him for the first time, and as much as it scares the living hell out of me. I think it's because of my Angel that he has a heart again.

   "Alright, it's going to be awkward as hell but I won't ask you to choose between us. I hope we can make up for lost time."
   He blinks at me and pulls me into a tight hug breathing out a sigh of relief. When he pulls back he seems to look pleased and grateful for my acceptance.

   "Alright now.. lets go find silver and get the hell out of here."

      Awww. Zed and Atlas finally talked it through. But will how will Atlas take the news about the baby? Is Greyson close to tracing the black mist of evil spirits? So much to look forward to. 💕

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