Save me.

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                                      - Ash -

                                        Change                                   ***********                                      - Ash -

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     My mother told me not to go inside so I could walk the perimeter around the temple.
     I miss Silver terribly and I can't help but wish I could join the reunion. I was created the same day Silver was born, sworn to protect her at all costs. I was made to be her Guardian and I failed before given the chance. When I was made I was no baby but I was still a young child.
     Trevor was killed by the evil in this world and I have taken a new path to not only keep Silver safe, but also to avenge my brothers death.
   Selene our mother raised me as her own and we watched from afar as Silver grew. She was now known to the public so we couldn't just drop in and disappear with her. It would raise suspicion, and I'm sure if we found her she would have remembered who she was and we would have been in danger once again.
     We've already lost so much family all because of a plan my mother wouldn't agree to.

    I fly into the air and glide down to the roof of the temple to finish my cigarette. When I hear my sisters voice rise high in a loud cursing tone I flinch. She doesn't sound happy but I know better then to walk in against my mothers wishes. So instead I listen and form a plan for later.

                                     - Atlas -

I go by many names. The devil, Hades, the red man, king of the underworld... I could go on and on. But my true Given name is Atlas Hades. Some may find me evil but I see myself as far more complex. I have a vision and until it comes true I'll stop at nothing until it fallows through.

       Gods peek can keep out those who work for me but it still parts for me

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Gods peek can keep out those who work for me but it still parts for me. It's time I have a talk with my son about his purpose. He had one job. A job I will admit not even I was able to accomplish. Not only is Silver the only person who can truly stop me, she also happens to my Amantes regina. (Loving queen.)

      I had been leaving after trying again to make Selene, Silvers mom, that my plan was what was best for our kind

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I had been leaving after trying again to make Selene, Silvers mom, that my plan was what was best for our kind. That's when I spotted silver dancing around in the fields picking every flower before throwing handfuls of pedals into the air. She'd spin around laughing as they feel around her and my heart leaped out of my chest. That was when I knew I was going to have to make her mother see through with my plan or I'd have to find away to kill my queen, my angel of kindness.

I have been known to have many children but the truth is I only have three. All meant for one purpose.
Now Zed is my favorite out of all of my children so when I found out he had fallen for my queen I lost it.
I formed a black mist made of pure evil. The spirits wouldn't let me down. If I couldn't do it, and if my strongest son was to fallow me down the same path so be it. I had to do what had to be done.

I walked through the waters and hide in the shadows being careful not to be seen. In the distance I could see a guardian sitting above the temple. He seemed distracted enough so I snuck in quickly ready to hide until Zed would be by himself so I could remind him of who he really was.
When I entered the thrown room however I had to quickly hide in the darkened corner as Silver came storming down the large halls. Her eyes where glowing a bright purple and her skin was flushed. I shifted into a black cat hoping she didn't despise them. She saw me and stopped in her tracks. Angry and on the run she coos at me calling me like an animal. This plan could work, blend in and stay ahead of the enemy.
I rush over to her and meow feeling like I was ready to barf at my new reality, however when her gentle touch slide over my body I purred uncontrollably.
I look around as she holds me close rushing out the doors heading towards the beach shore.
"Sorry little guy, I need some company that isn't any of them right now. You know your actually really adorable. What should I call you."
She smiles down and me laughing softly before looking out at the sky. She sets me down and goes back to searching the waters like she wanting an escape.

     "Have you ever felt like you aren't enough? I know your a cat or whatever but

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"Have you ever felt like you aren't enough? I know your a cat or whatever but... I just, I keep getting this feeling like I'm only more trouble then I'm worth. I can't seem to find a place we're I fit in without putting the people I care about in danger."
My heart hurts as a tear slides down her cheek. I want to wipe it away, I want to tell her I know exactly what that feels like. Instead I rub my silky fur across her leg giving her comfort the only way I can.

No! I can't do this, I won't let her beauty or my feelings distract me again.

   Silver sits down in the sand and cuddles me close to my small form and I hiss at her trying to get away while I still had my head.
  "Oh stop it, we both know your a big ol' softy."
She kisses my nose and I blink at her knowing I'm screwed. Maybe it's time to change tactics. I can get what I want if I just think this through. It's what's best for everyone.

       Sorry guys it's been a long day. I hope you like the new characters because they are about to play a big part in my book. Wonder why Silver is so worked up, and what is Atlas's new plan going to be? Keep reading to find out..😉 love you guys next chapter I'm going to be giving a big shout out to my my closest fans soon. I also have a few friends that are here on Wattpad that have amazing stories so message me if you'd like the link.

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