Gonna be an angel, just you wait and see

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"When on earth were you gonna tell me that HARRY F*CKING STYLES is gonna be your costar?!", Isabella basically screamed at me via facetime about one week later. Just an hour ago, Entertainment Weekly posted at first look of their next cover, revealing to the entire world that the unknown chick that was me will be their new Ariel and that Harry f*cking Styles will be their new Eric.

The press release by Disney, that probably also reached all the newspapers of New York, followed within minutes. Since then, my phone didn't stop buzzing. Katie had texted me, family members had texted me, friends from university, even high school, had texted me. People I didn't even think I would be remembered by tried to reach me. It was insane. The only person I had answered was Joe, who didn't even say a word about Harry being Eric, he had simply congratulated me.

Okay, well I answered Isabella, after she had called me about a hundred times. I was afraid she was gonna fly to LA just to grill me with all of her questions. To be fair, I had pretty much avoided speaking to her instead of texting, to prevent myself from spilling the big secret that the British popstar gone rockstar was gonna be in this movie with me. I hated lying to her though.

"I couldn't, Isa, it was part of my contract", I explained trying to calm her down, while she was running around in her office like she was hyperventilating. I, on the other hand, was trying to  not to freak out too, in consideration of how my day had been planned out. "Actually, I wasn't even allowed to tell you that I was gonna be Ariel."

It was nine in morning and I was getting ready for yet another important day when it came to the movie. It was the first day when we were gonna record the songs for the movie, so my first day of being in an actual recording studio. I have had breakfast, while doing vocal warm ups the entire morning. Disney had even assigned me a vocal coach, whom I had been traing with for the past few days, although she herself admitted that I was already a well trained singer.

"Who cares, it's Harry Styles! I wouldn't have told anyone! You could have at least told me about the photoshoot, but no, you weren't telling me anything, not even about how the weather is in LA or some stupid stuff like that", she complained and I could see the genuine disappointment in her face through the screen of my phone. "I'm your best friend!"

"Who's working for one of the biggest newspapers in America, hell even in the world", I let out, not really thinking about how this would sound. I trusted her, but I didn't trust her enthusiasm and ambition when it came to her job, although I couldn't blame her. Why was she even mad at me? I was legally not allowed to tell her!

"What?! Who, without her, you wouldn't be where you are now! Since when does my career keep you from being my friend? Yours is the one keeping us two coasts apart!", she hissed, making me flinch at her harsh words. I didn't understand why she was making this bigger then it was, she must have known that I was gonna be a little more busy and discreet than usual.

"Isa, I'm sorry, but I can't do this right now, I'll have to be at the studio in thirty minutes", I cut her off, not wanting to start in argument. I hated arguments, even any kind of disagreement, ever since I got tired of trying to defend myself in from my dad, whenever he got angry about the stupidest things and Isa wasn't being very different right now either.

Whatever, I'll get back to her later.

Taking a deep breath, I did the possible worst thing an actor, or anyone could do, googling myself. Obviously the first thing that popped up was the announcement from Entertainment weekly with the picture of the cover attached to it. There was a graphic next to my face with a quote I had given: I am unbelievable excited to be part of this world, it said with a remark by the magazine, calling me a newcomer. Which I was honestly, but Harry kind of was too, at least in the wold of acting.

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