Broke a finger knocking on your bedroom door

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Disclaimer/Warning [Mature content]: I feel like the title of this chapter is pretty self-explanatory, but just in case there are any minors reading this that don't know what Only Angel, Kiwi or Watermelon Sugar are about: This chapter contains content of adult nature. Although it does not go much into detail, I strongly recommend you to not read the first part of this chapter (until the second separator) when you don't feel comfortable with that kind of content.

"That has to be the most stupid and hottest thing I've ever done", I whispered to myself as I let myself fall down onto the bed

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"That has to be the most stupid and hottest thing I've ever done", I whispered to myself as I let myself fall down onto the bed. I was feeling all tons of emotions, when I got back to my room in Harry's house after our incident, but the one thing I wasn't feeling was tiredness. I should have been tired, I should have been exhausted and I was, just half an hour ago, but now? I hadn't had an hour of sleep the night before, I had been up since six in the morning, I had been shooting at the beach all day and yet my mind was wide awake and my body was yearning for more.

More of what exactly? That was a good question. More of Harry's lips on mine, more of Harry's hands on my waist, more of Harry's fingers on my skin. But it was wrong, so incredibly wrong. It was not allowed to happen. I rolled around from one side of the bed to another, trying to distract myself from replaying what had just happened in my brain.

After approximately half an hour of hopelessly tossing and turning, scrolling through the Social Media feed on my phone, switching tv channels trying to find something to watch, I gave up. In desperate need of getting rid of the inappropriate thoughts in my head and smell of Harry's cologne that still filled my nostrils, I got up, walked into the ensuite and splashed my face with cold water.

As I looked at myself in the mirror that was covered in several drops of water, I wanted to slap that b*tch. What have I done? Everything was gonna be awkward between us from now on, working together, living together. I was afraid that we had just ruined our entire friendship that we had built up over the past three months. Could we even a normal conversation again? It wasn't just the fact that we kissed, that concerned me, it was the fact that I enjoyed it. And maybe he did too?

I made my way to the closet, that was still a mess. While I was rummaging through the piles that clothes , I came across an old shirt of mine. Actually it wasn't mine, it was my Moms. I picked it up, holding it in front of me, inspecting it. The Iron Maiden logo was worn off, nearly gone, from all the times it had been washed. I used to wear it all the time, when I was younger and it was always too big on me, but I must have been the same age as my mom had worn it now, so it would fit me right? I looked at the tag and noticed that it was in a men's size large. I didn't question it any further and took off the crew neck I was wearing, replacing it with the old shirt. To my surprise, it was still too big and more like a dress to me. I decided to wear it to bed that night, slipping out of my sweatpants and under my blanket.

The second my head hit the pillow, I heard a sound coming from the door. Did someone just knock? I wasn't sure. I had been so absent in my own thoughts once again, that I didn't fully register all my surroundings. I didn't know If it was just my imagination or if there was indeed someone standing behind the door, waiting for me to open it. I got up anyway and placed my hand on the door handle. When I was about to push it down, I heard quiet foot steps coming from the other side of the door and saw a shadow brushing past the gap under the door. My heart started beating faster and panic arose in my chest. I was either about to get murdered or it was Harry standing in the hallway, trying to talk to me. Both options seemed extremely terrifying to me.

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