Tell me something I don't already know

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"I can't believe you're really forcing me go hiking with you AGAIN", I said to Harry on a beautiful but breezy Sunday morning, literally climbing up a hill in the wilderness of Los Angeles in white nikes, yoga pants and a white hoodie. After our small conflict, I was afraid Harry was gonna distance himself from me, nobody like complicated people right? But he didn't. I guess I got the message accross that my outburst of emotions had nothing to with him personally, although this may have been his revenge.

"I can't believe you didn't bring any hiking boots AGAIN", Harry mocked me, once again walking ahead of. So instead of ignoring me, he now made me believe that he tried to kindnap me or as he would say it explore the nature for a second time. While I was breathing heavily, he seemed relaxed, chill, complete fine once again. "Hey, at least I looked up a route before we went. I googled a few rarely used hiking trails. There should be a bench coming right incase you need a break. We can sit down for a while."

He had come into my dressing room the day before asking, basically begging me to tag along. At first I refused, not wanting to endure the pain of working out in general. Yeah, maybe I was being a bit of baby here, but it was worth it. In return he had promised me to take me me out for lunch after. Then there was no doubt that I was gonna say yes, you could always bribe me with some delicious food and an iced coffee. I just hoped we wouldn't walk into a coyote this time.

"Well this looks like it's been rarely used too", I said when we reached the bench that Harry was talking about. It was all muddy and old, but I would have taken everything to be able to sit down for a second. I even would have let Harry give me a piggy back ride at this point, but that luckily wasn't necessary. Harry and I plopped down on the manky wood to the sound of a crack, that made him laugh. Once again, we were graced with a breathtaking view of the city. "You didn't forget about our deal, did you?"

"How could I?", Harry chuckled, bending down to tie his hiking boots. His hair kept falling in his face, so he tried blowing it away, which didn't really work. It looked a little bit like a dog trying to catch its tail. What a view. He sat back up, leaning against the panels, causing the bench to make another weird sound. "Don't worry I already made a reservation in a small café near the Hollywood sign for 12. It's pretty chill and cozy, nothing extravagant."

"Did you say at 12? That's so soon! I won't be able to get change before", I complained throwing my head back in frustration. I was rather unamused to have lunch in leggings and a completely dirty pair of shoes, but there wasn't much I could do about it.

"And? Me neither, so what's the problem?", he said shrugging his shoulders, laughing at me. I sighed and look back up, enjoying the warmth of the sun on the skin of my face for a second. In the corner of my eyes, Harry took something out of the pocket of his windbreaker, which I first assumed was a piece of cloth, a wristband maybe. But it wasn't a wristband, it was a red, patterned bandana he used this time instead of a hair clip.

"Woah, woah woah. Am I crazy or is 19 year old bandana Harry making a comeback?", I more or less accidentally said out loud jokingly. I really liked his hairstyle like that, a lot of fans did I assumed, I was a bit sad, when it got too long for the bandana, although what follow was another great era. I remembered actually buying a piece of cloth just like this, using it as a bracelet. Yeah, I totally hadn't been a fan at all. Now I was kind of regretting my comment.

"When I'm not forcing you to go hiking, do you spend all your freetime looking up previous celebrity hairstyles?", Harry asked laughing and I nervously laughed along. The bandana now kept his curls in place, perfectly matching his blue, red and yellow colored jacket. "First my mom, then my hair. Is there even something you don't know already?"

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