Tastes so sweet, looks so real

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When I entered Harry's house that evening after having shot at the beach the whole day, I had sand all over my body, approximately one pound of salt in my hair and wrinkles all over my skin from all the water I had touched. I knew Harry wanted to walk home, but I was too exhausted. After we had filmed the last scene, which consisted of me dramatically singing the second part of the reprise and elegantly being placed on a rock that gave me bruises all over my legs, I took a ride home. I was reminded that it wasn't really my home, when I strutted along the hallway and suddenly the sound of music filled my ears.

I passed a corner and saw that it was Harry playing the piano in his living room. He was sitting there in sweatpants and a crew neck, essentially the same outfit I was wearing, but his hair was dry and fluffy, without any arrears of salt in it. The melody he was playing sounded unfamiliar to me and I knew all of Harry's ten songs. It sounded sad, incredibly sad, so much that actual tears formed in my eyes. He kept playing with the ocean in his background a little table lamp allowing him to be able to read the sheets in front of him, while I just stood there in the door frame admiring his talent.

"What if I'm down? What if I'm out? What if I'm someone you won't talk about? I'm fallin' again. I'm fallin' again. I'm fallin'", he sang and a shiver ran down my back. D*mn that really was a sad, but beautiful song at the same time. It sounded as I had unfortunately walked in on the end of the song though. I would have enjoyed more of Harry's private concert, but he finished off with some last heartbreaking chords and for second there was a silence in the room. I knew I probably used the opportunity to leave so he wouldn't think I was watching him the whole time, yet my legs didn't move and I was glued to the ground. When Harry turned the page, he must have seen me in the corner of his eyes. "Oh, I didn't know you were home yet. How much did you hear?"

"Enough for me to ask the following question", I said, not even denying that I had listened to a small part of the masterpiece he was working on. He didn't seemed to be that mad about it anyway, in fact his voice sounded at ease, almost peaceful and all that after singing such an emotional song. I left my spot in the door frame, dropped my bag to the ground and took a few steps into the room. "Are you okay?"

"I am now. It's just a song I wrote a while ago about my ex", Harry admitted with a light chuckle and I was extremely glad that he wasn't feeling whatever he was feeling while writing these lyrics anymore. Although I knew that feeling, I knew exactly what he was talking. I mean I didn't know what was going on his life, but in mine I've had situation like this before, where relationships ended and you didn't know how to exist anymore. Harry looked down at the sheets infant of him, shook his head and then looked back to me. "Do you have one?"

"An ex? Mhm, yeah, but I didn't write a song about him if that's what you're asking", I said laughing, although I wished I had the ability to do so. It must help to express your feeling and overcome that feeling of sadness, like singing always helped me whenever I was feeling down. When there was no one to talk to, you could talk to yourself.

"No, I mean a boyfriend. That Joe guy you mentioned?", Harry asked and my eyes widened. I had mentioned Joe once, maybe twice. Harry really never read that article that Isabella wrote, otherwise he would already know the answer. I had been single for years, the last date I had was over a year ago and that ended horribly. There had been no place in my life for a relationship, at least that was what I told myself. Harry must have noticed my hesitation toward that question. "I'm sorry you don't have to answer, I didn't-"

"No Harry, it's fine! Joe's just a friend. I'm single and I have been for a while, just focusing on myself, my career you know", I assured him, but the way I was phrasing my words got more awkward the more I talked. It was an excuse, kind of, at least that's what Katie would say right now. An excuse to not get closer to someone, to not let anybody in. I wanted to change the topic, back to music. "And is the song finished?"

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