Choose your words, 'cause there's no antidote

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"So you're telling me that MY DAD knew Harry's mother?! We could have grown up together?! Harry Styles and I could have been childhood friends?!", Katie screamed into my ear, when I was on the phone with her the next morning. After eventful three days in London, more so for me than for Harry, it was time to leave our roots behind and go back to our present lives, but not before I was able to give Katie an update on all the crazy things that happened since I last saw her and more so the crazy things found out about not only my mother, but her father as well. "I could have met him before he was famous, before you introduced me to him as your sleeping buddy?!"

"Katie, you did meet him when you were eighteen, you know that, right?", I reminded her. Currently I was in my sleeping buddy's, as Katie called him, bedroom to be exact, nervously running from one side of the bed to the other searching for my hair tie that I had apparently lost at night. When I couldn't find it after a few second, I gave up. I could also use one of Harry's clips if I needed one on the flight. When we got home from our visit to my dad, Harry and I did what he had already proposed the night before: We made popcorn, watched a movie together and fell asleep to a relaxing playlist of folk and indie music playing in the background.

"Stop, I'm trying not to think about the fact that I was at the same party as X Factor Harry without knowing. It makes me sick", Katie said, making a fake gagging noise, taking me right back to the present day. To be fair, it wasn't really morning anymore, it was already past noon, but Harry and I slept in and skipped breakfast, which was honestly my definition of the perfect day off, dare I say it was even better than sunbathing in the burning sun of Los Angeles. "When are you leaving the UK? You two are still in London, right?"

"Yes, I'm just now packing up all my stuff. Don't know why I brought that much clothes with me, we were only here for three nights", I commented, now rummaging through the piles of clothes that had built up in front me on Harry's hundred dollar duvets. "Our flights tonight at eight, we're landing in LA at midnight PT, although we're up in the air for eleven hours, and we start filming tomorrow at eight in the morning. That's what makes me sick."

"Oh, I'm sure you two are gonna find away to stay occupied", she said suggestively, causing me to roll my eyes at her even though she couldn't see me, but I'm sure she felt it. "Where is Harry right now by the way? Waiting for you to finish packing so he can make you finish?"

"Shut the hell up!", I exclaimed outrage, before lowering my voice incase Harry could hear me, "for your information, he's taking shower. ALONE. And it's gonna stay that way", I said warningly, directing my graze at the frosted glass panel that separated the shower from the bedroom. I could see the outline of Harry's figure behind it, causing my cheeks to heat up. Actually what we had done these past two nights was even worse than sleeping with each other. All we did was sleep, in the same bed, not only next to each other, but rather intertwined, curled up together, without any kind of s*xual touch. I tried not to question it too much. Katie would though. "Ugh, I should have never told you."

"Why? Is something I said slowly starting to get into your head?", she said cheekily and I could hear the amusement in her voice. Similar to Harry, she loved it when she was right and therefore proving me wrong and making fun of me. But I'm not saying she was right of course, well maybe. I had thought about what she said about her being worried about me and about Harry being im impossible not to fall in love with. That didn't mean I had to be the one falling for him. "You know an eleven hour flight can also be used for long, heartfelt conversations."

"I'm not gonna have that kind of conversation on a plane. Where would I run off to if I need to leave?!", I huffed, accidentally more or less exposing myself. But I was just joking around, even if there was a slight chance I might ever want more from Harry, I was never gonna be able to tell him, because once I would have said it, there was no way it could be undone.

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