Apologies are never gonna fix this

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"This time I'm serious, I'm never ever gonna drink alcohol again", I groaned when I woke up the next morning to the sound of my phone ringing for the tenth time. I was surprised I still had it with me, it was laying on the nightstand vibrating like crazy. My stomach was growling, while my head was pounding, as if someone was hammering on my brain. For a second I didn't even know where I was, until I turned around, staring at the window that revealed the view of the ocean you had from Harry's malibu mansion. The sun was standing high on the bright blue sky, which lead me to believe that it must have been around noon. I felt like I had been sleeping for days.

"What?", I croaked tiredly, picking up my phone without even looking at the caller ID. I had trouble seeing in clear vision anyway. Everything had been a blur. I only remembered how I did vodka shots with Harry and that I joined Henry and the dance crew for their cha cha cha at one point. I had no recollection of how I ended up here, in the white king sized bed in the middle of Harry's mostly white furnished guest room where I had been staying. I lifted up the duvet I was curled up in and notice that I was still wearing my clothes from the night before. Apparently I hadn't been able to get changed before dozing off. If I hadn't even had the strength to do such a little task, how did I even get into my room?

"Thank god, you finally picked up!", I heard from the other end of line. It was Katie voice. She sounded concerned and I asked myself if it really had been that abnormal that I wanted to sleep in on my day off. I had been working non stop for the past weeks, months you could say and when I try to have fun for once, it ends with 500 phone calls and a massive headache. It must have been around eight pm in London where Katie was. "I've been trying to reach you all day. I was worried."

"Geez, Katie I just woke up", I told her, as I untangled myself from the blanket. It was extremely hot outside, I could feel the heat through the window, even with the aircondition in Harry's house on full blast. I felt all sticky and disgusting, so I carefully got up, testing my sense of balance, before I strutted along the mostly empty room with my phone pressed to my ear. I wished I could have decorated the room, it had so much potential. I passed the messy closet, where I just threw in all my stuff in, making my way into the ensuite. "What's so urgent? I'm completely hungover. I was at a cast party with Harry last night, but I guess I had little too much to drink. I don't even know how I got home."

"Well maybe you don't, but I know, the whole world knows", Katie said in a serious when I put her on speaker. I opened the door to the ensuite, being greeted with the sight of my completely dead looking face. My makeup was all smudged, since I hadn't even removed it the night before and I looked as sticky and disgusting as I felt. I put my messy curls up in a high ponytail and started washing my face to make myself look like a normal human being again. It was a good thing Katie hadn't facetimed me, or else she would be even more concerned about my appearance.

"What the hell are you talking about", I asked, in response to her mysterious statement. Katie could really tantalize someone, when she knew more than the other person. But she also had the talent of making a mountain out of a molehill, so I wasn't too worried at first. I was still splashing a ton of water in my face in hopes of feeling somewhat alive.

"There's photos all over the internet", Katie said and I looked up from the sink into the mirror at my irritatedly red face. Photos? What kind of photos? I took a towel from the cabinet to my right to dry my face and hands. Maybe this was indeed a serious matter. "But that's not the worst part. Have you looked at the link I send you?"

"Katie, I told you I just woke up, I haven't even checked my messages yet", I said to her grabbing my phone to see that I had thirty three unread messages all of family members, friends, previous coworkers. I started panicking a little bit, wondering what on earth I could have done that caused so much outrage, "... but it seems like I have a lot of them. Your mom sent me a voice memo?"

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