Remember what it feels to have a heartbeat

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"Any plans for your first day off in two weeks?", Cedar asked, removing the tons of hairspray out my hair by brushing through it several times. We had been shooting for two weeks now and I finally started to get used to acting for the dozen cameras, instead of an audience of more than a dozen people. But is was harder than I expected, especially because a lot of it was CGI, which was even more far off from my usual stage performance.

I had slowly started to make my dressing room more comfortable. As predicted, I added a few pillows, candles, coffee table books, plants and even a rug. I must have looked completely insane carrying it in here, but I spent approximately 70 percent of my days on set, it was only fair to make myself feel at home, right? When I wasn't needed in scene, but still had to be around, I usually spent my thirty minutes of freetime reading or listening to music.

"Not really, I mean maybe I'll explore the city a little bit", I said, although I hadn't really had a chance to think about what I was gonna do. Wondering what's there to do on a Sunday alone in LA, I was debating on whether to ask Cedar if he wanted to hang out, because he was basically the only friend I had here, but decided against it, considering we saw each other every day and he probably had other things to do like partying all day and night. "Maybe I'll look up a workout place, I could really use some exercise expect from swimming."

"Oh my god, you have to try soulcycle! Have you heard of it? It's super trendy, all the fresh manicured woman in downtown do it", he explained to me, now braiding my hair into a fishbone braid, which he always did at the end of a long day of shooting. "But it's also super popular amongst the celebrities. You might meet some former disney stars like Selena, Demi or Vanessa. But be careful, I heard she can be a little moody when she's sweaty."

"I've actually met Vanessa once! She came to my show in New York. She seemed pretty nice", I chuckled, remembering how starstruck I actually was to meet someone I grew up watching on to TV, kind of the same with Harry, but with the difference that I didn't know V personally when she was sixteen. "Now that I think about, some of my Broadway collegues have actually told me about soulcycle before. Maybe I'll check it out!"

I've seen Harry around set and we chatted a few times, but we still didn't have any scenes together, which some part of me maybe wasn't that sad about. Harry acting irritates me in a cool way, I wouldn't want to look like a fool next to him, even though I had been the one giving him advice a few weeks ago. I didn't feel like we were really friends yet, so I would have never dared to ask him about our free day. He had enough friends in LA, everyone wanted to be his friend and I couln't blame them.

"If you're down to let loose, have a few drinks you know, you can always come around. I'm having a little gathering", he said, packing up his stuff, while I was removing the glittery eyeshadow from my face. I let out a little laugh, but I saved myself the 'I knew it'. It was actually pretty nice for him to invite me, but drinking was the last thing I wanted to do. I had no intention in puking all over my fin on monday.

"Thank you, but think I'm gonna spend the day by myself. You have fun though!", I told him, when I turned off the light from the little table lamp I also brought for the dressing room. We made our way out of the Disney studios together, where my driver was already waiting for me to take me back to my hotel. After I made it it to my hotel, I fell asleep almost instantly, being exhausted from working all day and not wanting to get up too late the next day. Who knew what tomorrow might hold.

 Who knew what tomorrow might hold

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