He's right where I should, where I should be

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"Cut!", Rob shouted through his megaphone about a week later, after we had just finished filming the scene where Eric tries to save Ariel from Ursula, but almost gets drown, so in the end it's Ariel that saves him. Apart from being incredibly exhausted from the speed in which we're going through these last sequences of the movie, I was feeling better then when I had cried my eyes out on Cedar's shoulder. Actually I was feeling so much better. Cedar really helped me through it and I was starting to feel comfortable working with Harry again, comfortable in the way that I wouldn't break down every time our eyes met at least. We still hadn't said a single word to each other off camera though. "Thank you, guys. We'll do a quick five minute break"

"Five minutes? I need hours to recover from that", I complained more or less jokingly, making my way to Cedar with a towel in my hands that I tried to dry my hair with to keep it from dripping everywhere. I felt like a fish in a fishtank, which was somehow true, considering we had shot in actual water for reasons of authenticity I would never understand. Instead of laughing, Cedar was surprisingly silent, but had a horrifying expression on my face. He was looking from me to something, or someone, behind me, making me think that perhaps Rob was standing there and had heard my complaints, but he was standing across the room talking to Harry. Before I could turn around to see who he was looking at, my sight went black as to hands covered my eyes from behind. "Wha-"

"All you have to do is touch my hand-", the firstly unknown person started singing theatrically and my tense body went into relaxation mode. Not only the song choice, being Some Kind of Wonderful by the drifters that's also sung by Carole King and Gerry Goffin in Beautiful, but the oh so familiar voice as well told me who the apparent stranger was that had sneaked up on me. The corners of my mouth turned up and I listened to the rest of his beautifully sung words. "-To show me you understand. And something happens to me. That's some kind of wonderful."

"Any time my little world seems blue. I just have to look at you and everything seems to be some kind of wonderful" I joined in, as the person removed their hands from my face and therefore opened up my view to a seemingly very confused Cedar. I turned around to see that my assumption had been confirmed and basically jumped into the person's arms to hug them. "Joe, Oh my god. I missed you! How did you even get in here?"

"Err, I may or may not have used some of my acting skills", Joe said to me in a cocky way that was rather funny to me. He was a great actor, one of the best I ever had the pleasure of working with. And when he hugged me, I forgot I recently escaped a fish tank with soaking wet hair, but he didn't seem to mind. He pressed me closer to him a padded on my back in a friendly way, reminding me how much I had actually missed him. When he let go of me, I caught someone from the corner staring at us and it was neither Cedar, nor Rob. I tried to shake it off.  "I told the guy at the front gate that we were married. Which, I mean, isn't far off considering I was your husband for a year."

"On stage", I clarified warningly, but in a humorous tone, in case any of the crew members around us were listening to our conversation. Cedar definitely had heard us, because he looked shocked, until he exhaled deeply when I added the words on stage. Joe had really been my theatre husband while we were in Beautiful. We had seen each other every day and had spent much time, off stage too, that we grew closer. I could really imagine him bribing the security guard to let him in, but at the same time I was a bit worried for our safety. Hopefully none of Harry's fans would try something like that to get access to the property unauthorized.

"On stage, of course", Joe confirm with a chuckle, laying his arm around my shoulder in a very casual way, that Cedar must have interpreted in a rather exciting way, since his formerly confused expression turned into the heart eyes emoji. Joe and I had always been like that, messing around, hugging touching each other in an appropriate way of course, so I never thought anything off it. I must admit maybe small part of me had a crush on him back then, but now I was just happy to see him, someone from New York that didn't necessarily write an article about me, including some very unfortunate paparazzi photos.

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