In a black dress, she's such an actress

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"Have you ever been to a table read before? No? Well I'm about to piss myself!", I let out nervously, tapping around in my hotel room that must have looked like a crazy unorganized person was living there, because all of my belongings were spreaded out on every free space. It was just a little small to live in for about a month. I should start looking for an Airbnb or something like that. This mess is making me even more nervous.

"Jess, how are you expressing yourself? I thought you were so eloquent!", Joe huffed indignantly, in a posh accent to be exact, making fun of me and my nerves. He's a full on theatre boy, his confidence can be quite catching, so it was no surprise I couldn't help but laugh at his poor British. "But seriously though, what could go wrong? You already nailed the recordings - judging by what you've told me!"

It was early in the morning once again about two weeks after my recording session, and because I was not on best terms with Isabella, and because I had actually somewhat missed his pep talk before every show each night, I had called Joe. Isa had texted me the when I had left the studio that night and said sorry for the things she said, I said sorry for the things I said, but we didn't communicate much after that. I was still busy after all.

Busy going through my lines of the ENTIRE sript in order to prepare myself for today's table read. I mean it wasn't something new for me to read and practice my lines with a cast of insanely talented people, but it was gonna be different with so many cast members I have yet to meet and basically the head of Disney and all the directors, producer and not to mention the financial backers in the room, probably judging me.

"It's just reading, I guess", I breathed a little absentmindedly, shaking my head in order to focus on Joe's word of encouragement. He was right, I had been so self-conscious about this project, I almost forgot what a successful woman the Jess from today had become. "You know what? I'm gonna nail this table read, like I did the recordings! Thanks, Joe."

"You're welcome! You know, I'm not trying to be noisy and stuff. I'm just curious...", Joe responsed weirdly. There was a sudden shift in the tone of his voice, from motivational speaker to serious politican. "I've noticed since it was announced who was gonna be in the movie, people are pretty much starting to only talk about that famous co-star of yours. How are you dealing with that? Have you meet him? Did you get to know him?"

"You mean Harry? Yeah, we've talked, but I wouldn't say we've had a full on conversation, more like a sarcastic exchange", I laughed out. "And I don't mind the full attention being on him, he's used to that, unlike me. People are gonna start acknowledging me as soon as they see me perfectly swimming 'round the ocean as Ariel, most definitely not as a dead flounder."

"That's the spirit!", Joe exclaimed proudly, making me chuckle. We talked for a little bit more after that, until we said our goodbyes. He had to go to an audition and I, well I had to go prove I'm not a dead flounder, but a graceful mermaid with an angelic voice.

In a casual black bodycon dress, I had made my way to the Disney headquarters

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In a casual black bodycon dress, I had made my way to the Disney headquarters. Ever since my hair had been died red, I had trouble matching my new hair colour to my clothes, so black it was. I entered the enormous building only half as nervous as I was the first time I walked through these huge door about a month ago.

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