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Hello, and welcome to Time's Tragedies, the second book in my Books of Beginning fanfiction series. A few things you need to know before beginning to read this:

You absolutely have to have read both the Books of Beginning trilogy by John Stephens, and this book's predecessor, Dance of Magic, if you want to have any clue what's going on. That's sort of obvious, considering this is the second book in the series and typically one reads them in order, but I figured if it wasn't clear, I'd make it clear.

This story will contain crude language (that means curse words, kids), scenes of violence, psychological insanity, and other mature concepts. If you are not comfortable with that, I would not recommend this story to you, because as anyone can tell you, I'm a bit of a sadist when it comes to torturing my characters.

This story will contain my OC's, including next generation OC's and the beloved canon TBOB characters all grown up. I am super excited to introduce these characters and dynamics to you, as many of them are lovely and interesting and make for a great story. However, one thing you should know is that I have several LGBT OC's who will be featured in this, most primarily a lesbian OC and a bisexual OC. If you are not ok with that then shut up and get the hell out of here because I tolerate no hate or homophobia here.

Finally, I am incredibly excited to write this story. It offers a whole new perspective on the characters we know and love as we see them grown up and living lives of their own (but with the same craziness factor, of course) and will introduce several OC's that I adore. Therefore, I will hopefully be updating in a timely manner, but if that isn't happening then please be patient. I hope you are excited for this story like I am, and I sincerely hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to leave comments, as I love interacting with my readers.


Disclaimer: I do not own the Books of Beginning trilogy, it's plot, or characters. John Stephens does. I only own my OC's and the plot of this story, as well as the plot of Dance of Magic.

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