Chapter 13

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Today was the day. I was back home, back where my entire life started. The hot air brushed my face as I left the cool, controlled air of the airport. The sounds of the busy LA day echoed around. I had to admit, I really did miss this place, even though now I was used to England’s weather, traffic, and people.

I couldn’t keep the smile off my face as we drove along the back roads, attempting to get home the fastest way possible. My plans were set, first I was visiting Emily, then my mother in the hospital, then I was surprising One Direction with a couple of songs at their gig tonight.

Thinking about those boys brought a bit of a damper on my good mood. Niall might still ask me out, even though I asked Louis to talk to him. With what management had presented me, I knew that I couldn’t date him, at least not for the first few months. I had actually also asked them to talk to him and tell them exactly what Becky had told me, but I didn’t know if they’d actually followed through. Hopefully they had, it would save me from even more heartbreak trying to explain the reasoning to the ever happy Irish boy.

We rounded a familiar corner and I squealed with excitement. I knew exactly where we were! Emily’s house was a mere five blocks away.

I literally counted down. Four blocks… three… two… I could see her house! With her car in the driveway! I started bouncing in my seat. Becky laughed at me from the front.

The second the car stopped, I had the door open and was tearing up the path to the door. I rang the doorbell three times in quick succession and waited impatiently. Just as I reached to ring the bell again, the door flew open.

Immediately, I tackled my friend with a massive hug.

“Emily, oh my God I’ve missed you so much!” I squealed.

“Abriella? Oh my God! Come in!” she said surprisedly.

I threw myself down on her couch and she brought in a tub of ice cream and a spoon. Becky was going to stay in the car doing crossword puzzles or something while we caught up on what we’d missed in each others lives.

“Abriella, I’d love for this to be longer, but I have a date in an hour and a half,” Emily said.

“A date? With who? You have a booyfriieeend?” I teased her.

“Actually it’s just our first date… but I hope so!” she answered, a glimmer of hope sparkling her eyes.

“Good for you!” I cheered. “I’ll help you get ready then, and leave before he arrives so you can start of your date without me… looming.”

A broad grin splits her face as we remember old times, us getting each other ready for dates and trying to leave before the date actually arrives. Half the time, it ended up with one of us climbing out a second story window.

She sat down on her bed while I went into her massive closet – I’m not even sure if my current closet back in England was this size – and began to raid her dresses until I found a beautiful blue dress that would come down to her mid-thigh.

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