Chapter 2

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I knew it was gonna take a while to warm back up once I got back to my cabin. I wondered if our visitor would be awake by then, or if I'd have a little time to rest and warm up before I had to deal with him.

As fate would have it, I wasn't so lucky. When I approached the cabin, I could already hear Koda growling from inside. I wasn't too concerned; it was his warning growl, which meant that so far, no conflict had arisen between them yet.

Before I went inside, I walked over to the stump I used to chop wood. I tipped it over to reveal my hidden stash, the equivalent of any normal person's household safe, and placed the Tesseract in the hole with everything from my old life. As far as he was concerned, it fell to the bottom of the channel when I was pulling him out. If I felt the need to bring the matter up, it would be here. But before I did anything, I needed some answers.

I took my revolver out from its holster, and held it out of sight as I approached the cabin. When I opened the door I saw the man up on his feet with his back against the wall. Koda stood in the middle of the room barring his teeth and growling, warning him not to get any closer. When he heard me open the door, Koda turned his head to me and gave a small howl, as if to say, "he's awake mom."

I pat his head and gave his ears a rub. "Good boy. Now stand down." He did as I said and laid with his head sitting on his massive paws. The stranger and I stood there for a moment, sizing each other up. He looked defensive and on edge. His mouth held no emotion and neither did his icy-blue eyes. He was breathing heavily, like he had just been in a struggle. Perhaps a struggle to get out? I looked at his face again. He had certainly seen better days. There were a few small gashes scattered across his face and on one side was a large redish purple spot. I can only assume that's where his head hit ths ice. His hair was long and black and falling out of place, and his height surprised me.

He stayed silent and I decided to say the first words. "Do you speak english?"

Several seconds passed before he responded. "Yes." His voice was raspy, probably from the channel water.

"Great, then let's get down to business." I pulled out my revolver from behind my leg. "Who are you?"

He stood a little straighter at the sight of the gun, although he didn't seem particularly afraid of it. "I am Loki, of Jotunheim. Who are you?"

"Name's Lex. But I'm sure you already knew that."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Pardon me, but how, how would I hav-"

"I'll ask the questions." I said sternly. "Who else knows where you are? How did you find me?" He was starting to lose his temper.

"I don't know where I am myself. And I'm sure I hadn't any plans to have the misfortune of ending up in your home, but it seems in dissapointment, we are equally matched." He practically barked.

I lowered my gun a smidge and felt my face relax some. "You're not from Hydra?"

He looked at me again, irritation still clear in his gaze. "I told you, I'm from Jotunheim you imbecile!"

"Okay, okay I'm sorry alright? I just had to be sure." I said and slowly put the gun back in its holster. I sighed. "Lets start over why don't we? Hi, I'm Lex, this is Koda, and we're the ones who saved you. You're welcome."

"And I assume I'm supposed to thank you for keeping me alive just to bring me back and chain me up like a dog?"

"Well, to be fair, you were already kinda chained up when I found you. But if you tell me why, I may reconsider." I told him. I know usually when someone had handcuffs on, they deserved it. However, I still believe in a fair trial. I had handcuffs on most of the time too, until I escaped.

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