Chapter 21

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Apparently, being a maid in Asgard wasn't all that bad.

At first, the idea of being served by a maid, or even just the thought of a maid, made my stomach turn.

Whether that was because I was used to doing everything on my own, or because I spent so long being Hydra's slave, taking orders and carrying them out without a choice, I wasn't sure. Probably both.

But apparently Anja, the slender blond girl that knocked on my door, loved her job. She told me that the service staff in Asgard's palace (that's apparently where I was) were very well cared for and well paid.

"And not only that, but we get to eat out of the same kitchen that the royal family does. The food is delectable! Of course we don't eat together, we have our own dining hall." She stated. She had me seated at a dressing area to fix my hair and she was all too eager to tell me about palace life, but honestly, I was finding it hard to listen. It's not that I didn't want to learn about my new place of existence; it's that I was horribly worried about Loki...and meeting his infamous stepfather.

"Oh, that's nice. Do they give you board too?" I asked absent mindedly.

"Oh yes! The service quarters are just up a few flights. They're not terribly exuberant but they serve their purpose." She obviously hasn't lived off the grid before. I thought. She was brushing some type of product into my long brown hair with a wooden brush and I'm not gonna lie, it felt heavenly. I only wished it were Loki's fingers raking through my hair instead of the stiff bristles. My heart ached with longing.

Suddenly, I remembered the girl's words and I replied, "Nice. Well maybe that's where I'll end up eventually. I still don't know what my future here holds."

"I'm sure you'll like wherever you're put. Asgard will give you a fine home."

I smiled at her in the mirror and answered, "I have no doubt."

She ended up braiding my hair, giving me some sort of facial, and doing my nails. By the end of everything I felt like a different person. Gone was the girl who was out in Alaska, just living day by day and puting all her time and energy into surviving. The girl that looked back at me in the mirror was beautiful, undeniably so, and hadn't a clue as to what she was doing here, like a deer in the headlights. All the scars and bullet wounds on her shoulders were covered by makeup and so was her personality. Everything that made her who she was was hidden. I didn't even recognize myself.

Who am I? I thought. Luckily I didn't have to linger on that thought very long because a loud knock resounded on the door, which was followed by Thor's booming voice. "Lady Lex. Are you decent?"

"Yeah." I answered. "Come on in."

He opened the door and stepped inside. Anja bowed in greeting and I gave a shy wave. Was I supposed to bow too?

"Greetings Lady Lex! I trust you've found everything to your liking?" He asked with a small smile. Anja scurried away, leaving us alone once again. He was dressed in more casual attire now (well, more casual for Asgard I suppose) and didn't have his precious hammer with him. Instead of a load of armor, he wore an outfit consisting of dark blue fabric and brown leather.

"Yeah, yeah, Thor it's the nicest place I've ever been put! Thank you." He nodded and offered me his hand. I was confused at the gesture but once I placed my hand in his he pulled me up off of the stool I was sitting on and placed my hand in the crook of his arm.

"You look lovely. Loki certainly knows a diamond when he sees one." I smiled at his compliment even though I didn't agree with it. I didn't feel pretty because I didn't feel like myself. I felt like I was shoved into somebody else's skin. I didn't want to be seen all dolled up like that. It was embarrassing. I felt like a diva when all I wanted to be was invisible.

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