Chapter 36

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The first thing I did when I came to, even before opening my eyes, was vomit

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The first thing I did when I came to, even before opening my eyes, was vomit. All I remember was lurching forward just as the bile shot up my throat. I was in a sitting position it seemed, and I bent over to let everything out between my legs.

"Don't fret Lex. We're almost there." I heard a deep male voice say. Almost where?

I heard a feminine sigh. "It's fine. The car's already trashed anyway."

I was sitting on a soft leather surface, but the surface seemed to be...moving? I opened my eyes to see that I was in the back seat of a vehicle. It was dark out, so I couldn't see anything aside from the passing street lights and the red tail lights in front of us.

"...James? Where are we going?" I was confused. We never let other agents come with us on missions. It was always just James and me.

"Who's James?"

It was the male's voice again, followed by the girl's voice saying, "Hang on!" The car shifted suddenly, and I was thrown into the window next to me. Then, on my other side, something big and heavy rammed into me, sandwiching me between itself and the car door.

My eyes were still trying to focus. All my body wanted to do was sink back into a deep sleep, but my mind couldn't relax enough to get there. I was blinking away the disorientation, trying to make sense of things.

Where am I?

Once my eyes focused, I saw a familiar outline in the driver's seat, and I started to remember. James wasn't here. I was with Thor and Jane, my friends from Asgard. Loki was with us too, but something bad happened to him.

I took another minute to think, and remembered more. Loki was hurt, and I tried to help him. He was hurt by the huge elf-monster thing, and I made Thor strike me with lightning. That explained why my back was in so much pain. I remembered the pain of channeling so much energy, the struggle to maintain my focus when all I wanted to do was stop.

"Loki. Where's Loki?" My voice was raspy as I spoke. Thor turned to look at me from the passenger seat. 

"Lex, my brother is right beside you." I scrunched my eyebrows and rolled my head to the left to see a mass of sweaty black hair, and a large body clothed in green below it. I turned my gaze upwards and saw that the man beside me was, in fact, Loki. He was still unconscious, and his face was deathly pale, probably working profusely to fight off the remaining poison. neither of us were strapped in, I noticed, which explained why his body had fallen on mine during the sudden turn. There was one more thing though, that remained to be explained. 

"Where are we?" I asked, not making any effort to move Loki. 

"London." Jane answered. 

"...On earth?" I asked hesitantly. I wasn't stupid. I knew London was on earth. I just needed a little help wrapping my brain around it. 

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