Chapter 2: Just Another Day Living In Darkness

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(Azriel's Pov)

I fluttered my eyes open groggily and weakly to the sun shining thru the blinds of my motel room. I sighed and groaned as I turned the other way just wanting to go back to sleep but knowing me and how I am, that can't happen...

I try so hard not to sleep due to nightmares but because I'm weak and have little to no grace, my dumb body grows weak and I have to save enough money for food, renting hotel rooms and drinks and unfortunately the people I kill are drunks, druggies or criminals and don't carry much so I pretty much don't eat or drink anything...not like it matters to me but still.

I sighed as I sat up and rubbed my face tiredly. I only wear my cloak if it's necessary...I try not to wear it throughout the day because it draws too much attention and I don't need's bad enough that I'm pretty sure demons are after me because well why wouldn't they be?

I'm a fallen angel but then again without my grace they can't sense anything so I'm sure I'm fine but I'm pretty recognizable since well...I'm different from all angels...because well I can manipulate the darkness so...

I sighed as I hopped out of bed stretching and yawning. I looked seeing it was 8am which made me sigh as I walked to my little kitchen area and started to brew some coffee...I think tonight I pack up my things and head to the next town...but where? I swear I've been all over the states...

I grabbed my bag and poured the contents on the little kitchen table. I looked seeing crumpled up money, some cheap clothes I bought and various sunglasses to hide my eyes and my many brochures and maps. I moved everything but the map to my bed and unraveled my map.

I always mark down where I've been and since I've been on this earth for 4 months now and I've visited and stayed in a total of 10 states and cities...All random of course because I have nowhere special I need to go...however I am being questioned for a few murders but hey since when is killing a couple of drunks and bad guys a bad thing?

I sighed and rolled my eyes as I looked seeing where I could go next...I thought for a moment as I grabbed a mug and poured myself a cup of coffee. I shrugged and closed my eyes as I just pointed to a random place because well I also hotwired a car meaning I can drive myself there since I don't have my teleportation powers so gotta do things the hard way...

I opened my eyes and saw my marker was pointed to Denver Colorado. I smiled and shrugged as I sipped my coffee as I folded back up my map and put it back in my bag. I grabbed a set of clothes which were simple jeans and a hoodie.

I counted my money seeing I had less than $300 dollars meaning it should be enough for a hotel room and maybe some food...we'll see...I mean not like it matters since I'll be killing people and stealing their money so why worry? I sighed as I finished up my coffee and hopped out of my pj's which was just a buttoned up flannel. I hopped in my clothes, put on a pair of sunglasses and slid on my black combat boots.

I brushed my hair, put up my hoodie and put my cloak in my bag. I made sure I had everything and I headed out of my hotel room greeted by the warm sun and cool breeze. I sighed and rolled my eyes as I hopped in my car I stole and started it up.

I sighed and calculated the time it would take me to get Colorado which I'm in San Francisco right now meaning it would take me about 19 hours. I sighed and rolled my eyes as I started up my car and went on my way. I turned on my radio and listened to music while driving my way to the next town...

I sighed as I've just been thinking about these past 4 months...gotta tell you, it wasn't easy adapting to human life mainly because Angels are more superior to humans so being a human was strange because I had all these feelings I normally never felt before like hunger, thirst and exhaustion,

But I quickly managed to adapt as I've done my reading on earth so I know my way around things and am not completely incompetent about how the world works and yes, I know about the monsters which is why I also love killing them because why not kill things my father created and I don't know...ever since I tried to kill my siblings for what they did, killing or hunting I should say gave me that satisfaction nothing else gave me...

How else am I supposed to control and handle all this darkness, pain, loneliness and emptiness inside? Hurt myself? Newsflash...I can't exactly feel anything so I don't think it would do me much good and well killing things my father created is just more fun so what the hell am I right?

There's 7 billion people living why not kill off some worthless nobodies like monsters, drunks, druggies and harm done right? Human life is really worth nothing if you're wasting your time doing useless shit like that...

I just don't understand why father did this...I mean what's the reason? Is it to punish me? To move me away from the people who hurt me? To keep me safe? If you wanted to keep me safe father then why did you strip me from my powers? Why did you send me to earth? What's down here that heaven doesn't have? More useless people?

You think I can just be normal and make friends? Sorry dad, last time I checked, I don't do friends, I don't do people and frankly I think making friends is the last thing I want to do right now...or is this simply because you're scared of what I can do with my darkness and simply wanted me away...just like you did with Aunt just want to shut me up and think I don't exist because you hate me right? Is that the reason?

I breathed heavily and gripped my steering wheel tightly as I pressed on the gas on the freeway now going 70mph on a 55mph limit but I was just so furious with everything and everyone that I didn't care about anything...part of me wishes to die just to see what'll happen to my soul and body.

I would assume I'd go back to heaven or father would banish me to hell like he did to good ol' Lucifer...And yet I'm the bad one...take Michael and Lucy for example...2 brothers who simply loved each other too much and started a war...and again...I'm the bad one? Some fucking logic you have dad.

I sighed and rolled my eyes as I eased off the gas and slowed down a bit. I took a few deep breaths and sighed as I turned up the music just letting it blast so my brain doesn't have to think of anything's going to be a long 19 hours...

(Hope you enjoy! If you want another Supernatural Boi, then comment. I have one for everyone...I think...but enjoy!)

(1240 Words)

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