Chapter 4

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I woke up from my alarm clock constantly going off I rolled out of bed and head for the shower today is my first ever delivery as a student at duke university hospital. Every year one student in the program gets to do a solo delivery for extra credits on the state test. I am somehow that very lucky student for this year. I been preparing for this all my life I got this I took a quick shower and got dressed  I packed everything I need for today cause I am spending all night in the hospital delivery is a very long process. I got my notes and head downstairs I made some breakfast and went over my notes. I grab my things and head out I lock my apartment door and got in my car and drove to the hospital. I went to the locker room and put on my scrubs and lab coat. I went to check my patient for the day she was relaxed I got in the room greet her and told her I am going to be her doctor for her delivery process. We talked for a while and I left her room to relax. I was standing in the hall looking over her chart when some strong hands pull me into a small room. I turned around and instantly knew who it was. " Dr. Stalin," I said " Ms.Roman congratulations on your first solo delivery," he said while pushing my hair behind my ears and smiling " thank you Dr. Stalin" I looked up at him he pulled my lips towards his and give me a sweet kiss. He turned me around and slide a necklace around my neck I looked down and it was a gold chain necklace with the words love with little diamonds around it. I turned and look at him. " Adrian what's this around my neck" I said with my voice shaking a little " it's a necklace I got you why you don't like it cause I can change it" he said why looking at me with worry in his eyes. " no I love it but why did you give it to me." I said. " it's a gift I figure you would need something to remind you that you have someone who's there for you. I know you and your family have not been in contact for a while and you might feel lonely but you have me always. " I smile and look down at the necklace. " thank you" I whisper to him he kissed me for the last time before I have to go back out to prepare for my solo delivery. " how about after your solo delivery we go get breakfast and celebrate it. " he said " are you asking me out on a date Dr. Stalin," I said with a giggle " I guess I am" he said with a chuckle. " than yes I will love to have breakfast with you" I walked away and turned around and give him a wink before I turned the corner. The past 4 hours was hell my patient went into labor and she was having contractions her water broke and we had hours to go before she could push. I check on her every 3 hours and the baby to see how far she is. Finally, after a good 12 hours, she was finally ready to push I got prepped and we were ready to go into delivery one push after the other we had complications the baby had to go into emergency surgery after 4 hours of surgery her baby was ok and so was she it was my first surgery and thanks to the gods it was successful. I went home after a long 24 hours and took a nice hot shower to prepare myself for my date with Adrian. I decided last minute to go with the simple brunch outfit. I wore a simple high waisted black skinny jeans my black pumps and a white of my shoulder blouse I put my hair down from it's high ponytail and brush it. I put my phone and wallet in my purse and grab my coat right when I was heading downstairs the doorbell ring I hurry and open the door and in front of my was the man of my dreams. He was looking handsome with his hair swoop one side he was wearing a button-down shirt with black jeans and some black loafers he had a very expensive watch on. He look up at me and smile " you look beautiful" he said " thank you" I grab my coat and purse and lock my door and head down to his car. He opened the door for me and I got in. He got in after and we drove in peaceful silence. When we got to the cafe it was fancy somewhere in the Hamptons or something. You know one of those places where there is a bunch for rich people were you need to make reservations to enter yea those places I look at him and he smiled and grab me hands he gives it a quick kiss and got out of the car. He opens my door and lock the car and hand his car keys to a boy standing by a stand outside. The boy asked for Adrian's name and look threw a book for a hot second and said " sorry Dr. Stalin your table will be waiting for you inside." Adrian nod at the boy and grab my hands we enter the fancy cafe and instantly there were rich fancy people that catch your eyes a lady came in front of use and smile at Adrian " welcome Dr. Stalin your table is this way." she led the way to a table by the open near a water fountain Adrian pull my chair out for me to sit and she gives me a nasty look he sat down and she sat the menu's down in front of use " whenever your ready to order Dr. Stalin I will be there I will give you a second to look over the menu" she said with a wink towards him she doesn't see me. " thank you we will call if we are ready to order" I speak up while giving her a death stare she looked at me and give me a fake smile and walked away " slut" I whisper to myself Adrian heard me and chuckle I looked up from the menu to see him looking at me with sparkling eyes. " I love when you are jealous, neonata" he said " huh what does that mean" I said. " you find out soon enough" he said while looking down at the menu. The waiter came back a few minutes later " are you ready to order" she said while looking at Adrian " yeah umm I am going to get my usual and some water. What will you like neonata" he said while looking at me " oh I will have a grill chicken salad and water. " I said she wrote that down and give me a half smile before turning her attention back to Adrian " anything else sir" she said " no" he said a few minutes later our food came out and it smelled so good I grab my fork real quick and grab some salad and put in my mouth It taste so good that it made my eyes roll back and a small moan came from my lips. Adrian was looking at me and smiling his eyes darken fast. After we finished our food Adrian order some pastries and mamosa.

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