Chapter 18

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After tea and desert, we severe everyone at the table but my dad who still has not taken a glimpse of me decided to turn the topic of tea to Adrian" what do you do Adrian" my cousin which I hate her guts asked me he looked at me and speak up " I am a Doctor just like Lisa" he said while squeezing my thigh. " do y'all work together" my cousin brit asked " umm you could say that" he said " what does that mean" my aunt sue said " he cleared this throat " I mentor her she's like a student in my program for people who wants to become an OBGYN" everyone looked around at each other. Then he did it my dad looked at me with that disappointed look on his face the one he gave me six years ago before he hit me. " you never learned Lisa" my dad spoke up everyone looked at him he shakes his head " why are you here Lisa you came back to show more disappointed you made a man lost his job and his family six years ago and now you're doing it again acting like a slut" my heart broke they were already broken but they broke hard did my dad just called me a slut. Everyone at the table gasps. " slut" I said while looking at him I rolled my eyes I looked at my sister who of course acted as she did six years ago that night. I laugh and everyone looked at me my dad looked at me like I had six eyes I am done with this family and of course that bitch who I called my sister for years. " slut dad that's who I am to you I guess disappointment didn't cut it for you six years ago so you called me a slut you know I don't know why I came here I didn't want anything to do with y'all for six years dad you never dare  try to call me or come looking for me you didn't care then or now. I excepted  you calling me a disappointment six years ago but I won't stand you calling me a slut I didn't fuck my history teacher since your whore of a daughter won't come out and say it I will Mia was the one who fucked Mr. Moore I cover for her ass for six years I took every single pain that came with it for six goddamn years I expected you as my sister to come to my rescue and tell him the truth tell him that you were the one who slept with him for six years you sat there and didn't say anything I would cry myself to sleep every night wonder when will my sister come clean to my dad and I could finally go home everyday I would see the anger he had in his eyes for me for six fucking years I hated my father for not believing me for telling me my dead mother would be disappointed in me I was sad I felt like everything was my fault  but not anymore I am done with this shitty ass family" I said while I looked at my dad with tears filled eyes " watch your language Lisa and don't ever call your sister a slut or else" I cut him off before he could say anything " or else dad you're going to hit me like you did six years ago" he stopped talking and look at me with guilt and anger in his face I stood up and grab my purse " thank you, everyone, for dinner Adrian let's go I don't want to bring anymore  disappointed to my dear old dad and congratulations sis you deserve it all and to think I was going to forgive you I don't want to be here  anymore I am not family I was never be family" I whispered while I walked away " please Lisa I am sorry I need you at my wedding you cant go" my sister yelled while crying. The car ride back to the hotel was quiet I got out of the car and head into the bathroom I sat there and cried for hours until Adrian came to the door and told me to open up I did he pulled me up and took me to bed and cuddle me while I cry. When I finally stopped crying Adrian put the TV on and watched me while i fell a sleep the next morning I woke up and checked my phone to see 100 voice mail and text from my sister she called me and I just my phone in silence. I decided to stay in bed while Adrian went out to get breakfast.
(Adrian's POV)
I walked into the small cafe just across from the hotel we were staying at to order some breakfast for Lisa she's my everything I am going thru some stuff to but she right now need me by her side. I sat at a table at the window and wanted for my number to be called that's when Lisa sister walked in the cafe we made eye contact and she looked like she'd been crying for days she sat across from me and smiled I looked at her and sigh. " how did you know we were staying at a hotel" I asked her sister " well my sister refuses to stay with my dad and don't want to be near me and this is so far the fanciest hotel here in town and I saw you thru the glass" she said I exhaled " look I won't take much of your time because I have dress fitting in the store just around the corner I wanted my sister there with me but she won't come just tell her to meet me in the wedding dress store I want to explain to her why I didn't say anything to my father all those years if she won't come if I asked her too she might listen to you" she said while walking out the door my name was called shortly after and I headed back into the hotel room. There she was looking beautiful as always coming from out of the bathroom. I sat her down and told her to go see her sister she protests at first but after some persuasion, she finally gives in and got dressed and headed to the wedding dress fitting.

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