Chapter 23

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It's been 3 weeks since Adrian left me I would cry myself to sleep every night my sister came to visit once over the week to make me feel better. I finally got my doctors license and was offered Adrians Job I told them I will take it but I don't want his office so I was given an office that was much bigger and wider than his office. Well after Adrian broke my heart he and his family went back to Italy and left me I print out the picture we took at my sister's wedding and keep it in my underwear draw so every time I open it to take an underwear out I will cry every time. My morning sickness stopped but my sister insisted I go to the doctor to get check-up I didn't even notice I didn't have my period for 3 weeks now I knew what that means but I didn't want to believe it. My sister and I went to Dr. Holmes my trusted doctor friend who knew about me and Adrian and was there to help me get us to his program he left behind I am sitting on the table waiting for Dr. Holmes to come in a few minutes later she walked in. " hey Lisa how are you" she said " i am fine Linda" I said she pushes my shirt up and put some ultrasound jelly on my stomach I close my eyes while Linda took the probe and rub my stomach " oh my God" my sister said I started crying " I am pregnant aren't I" I said " yes you are with twins" Linda said I open my eyes and look on the screen and there they where looking cute and small on the screen I started crying even more. " aww honey what's wrong" my sister said while squeezing my hands. " he left me and now I am pregnant for his kids I can't do this by myself I have a job where I have to be at 24/7 I have no one to help me I don't know if I can be a single parent" I said while crying " shhhh you got me I will be there for you no matter what I am hear and fuck him for leaving you" my sister said " but you live in Pennsylvania" I said " me and Joshua will move near you and help you take care of the kids don't worry I got you" my sister said I smiled and hugged her. " I got you too I will do your job for you while you take care of them" Linda said I am so glade I have my sister and my best friend's. The last 5 months have been hell my body hurt and I feel sick most of the time my last check-up I finally decided to know the baby's gender I was having a boy and a girl I couldn't be any less happy. Josh and his girlfriend Katie decided they would help me if I need it and so did Liya which got married 2 months ago. My job is a little easy I usually just do paperwork and a few delivery and surgery. I've been doing well even though I have not heard from Adrain for five mouths I guessed he moved on I didn't want to think of him very often because It leads to me crying most of the time. I started going on dates even though I am pregnant I meet Liam at the grocery store when I went to get some pregnancy craving he was looking at the ice cream so was I we both went to grab the last cookie dough ice cream he looked down at me and saw I was pregnant he thought I was married but I told him I am single soon to be a mother of two he understood and still asked me out on a date we went on multiple dates and started dating I told him about Adrian and everything about me. He was not happy about Adrian leaving me but he understood. Last week he asked me to marry him I didn't want to I was not ready he was supportive and told me to wear it as a promise ring and now that's what I do. He couldn't wait for me anymore and we broke up right than and there I told myself I won't open my heart to another man.
(9 mouths later)
I woke up and feeling very tired I missed my due date which was 3 days ago I got up and did my routine like I do every morning I grab some orange juice and sat by the fire it's December here in New York its pretty could I don't live in my old apartment anymore I saved up and got a house where me and my kids can live my sister and her husband lives with me too. My sister and I decided to go shopping for more clothes for the baby's we were walking around the mall when it happened my water broke in the middle of the food court my sister thought I pee my self but than again she saw I was not moving " omg your in labor" she scream people around use started looking at use like we where weird when we got to the hospital I was crying because contractions sucks. After a few hours around 12 in the morning, the baby's where ready to come out push after push my baby boy came out first after 2 seconds my baby girl came out the doctor rap them in a blanket she handed them to me and they looked just like Adrian which brought tears to my eyes my sister hold them and were happy to see them. The first few weeks with two newborns where hell but with my sister's help and Josh and Katie and Liya and Linda have been great they were the best my dad was there too and was happy to see his grandkids. Of course, he kept talking about how bad of a guy Adrian was to leave his kids but he was still happy to see them.

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