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Angelina Foyet, the girl from my private high school that my 'friends' and I would bully religiously

I was a total and utter bitch back then. I was every parents nightmare, every horny teenage boys dream. 

Angelina Foyet was easy to make fun of, she would sit in the library and drink coffee like she was a professor. She was the girl with the nerdy glasses and no sense of style, but looking back on it, I wish I could take it back. She just wanted and needed a friend, there was no reason for me to hurt someone like that, especially someone who I became similar to as I grew up. 

We had been on the plane, and I'm pretty sure Reid put melatonin in my water, because I passed out almost immediately. I needed it, my brain was just running and running. I couldn't believe what had happened earlier. I realized a lot of things that night. 

What I hadn't realized though was that I had fallen asleep on Aaron Hotchner's shoulder, because if I did in fact realize that, I would have fainted from first hand embarrassment.

"See, that's cute" Morgan smirked at Hotch, who tried to hold back his own grin. He continued reading a file,

"Have you ever thought about them together? She's the only person Hotch really trusts" Prentiss said to JJ and Reid. Spencer smirked and just looked down, not answering the question that he had an answer to. 

"I always felt like they would be good for one another. She brings out his soft side, she helps him calm down. He helps her get riled up, they balance one another out" JJ explained,

"Do you think it'll ever happen?" Reid put his book down, wanting to see everyone else reactions to the thought. Emily snorted.

"Yeah, absolutely not. Neither of them have the balls to do anything" Reid looked over at Hotch and I,

"You never know" 


We all entered the BAU headquarters, trying to settle down after the long days we had just had. Penelope rushed towards me with a cup of tea, handing to me. I smiled at her, 

"How you doing, princess?" I asked, the two of us walking towards my cubicle. 

"Fabulous now that you're here, V" She responded. She sat in my spinny chair, me on the edge of my desk. She grabbed the remote and began flicking through the channels, until she paused on a news broadcast. The two of us watched the screen for a moment, Derek walking over to us. He placed a hand on my shoulder as he examined the large tv as well. 

My eyes went wide as the man on the screen continued to tell us terrible news. I almost dropped my mug on the ground, but I caught myself in the act. 

"J...!" I called, and I could tell she was already behind us, watching the entire thing. 

George Foyet had escaped a federal prison. How does someone even do that? He hadn't even been there a day! 

"They're going to find him, right?" Penelope stood and looked behind us, making me do the same. Aaron was staring directly at her, 

"No, they won't" His words were grim, but he was right. There was no way they would be finding him, he had ten years to plan for this. 

"He said he would be more famous than we ever knew," Derek started, "He was right" I shivered, putting my mug down on my desk. I suddenly felt an uneasy amount of uncomfort. Almost like I was going to be sick. I squinted and put my hand on my stomach, and Aaron noticed. 

or what, sir? |a. hotchner| ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora