fifty four

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I looked up from the case file,

"What do you mean she's staying?" I questioned in almost anger, and Morgan shook his head.

"Emily just told me, she's coming on the undercover mission with us" I groaned loudly, resting my head in my palm. "Listen, she's annoying. But she's scared of you, she won't even go near you. At least she can't bother you"

"Her aura bothers me" I replied, and Spencer walked into the room with two cups of tea.

"V, she could be worse. She could not like horror movies" He reminded me, handing me my drink. I narrowed my eyes at my best friend,

"Spencer, she doesn't shut the hell up about her serial killer father"

"You have a serial killer father, too"

Derek spoke up to defend me, "Yeah at least it's not one of her personality traits. Veronica didn't tell us about her dad until three years later. Plus, she doesn't talk about it unless she really has to" I pointed at Derek,

"I love you" I ensured, and he winked at me,

"Love you more, giggles"

Then Hotch and Rossi walked in quickly, Emily, Garcia, and Seaver right behind both of them. Emily walked behind me and rested her arms on my shoulders.

When she thought no one was looking, she took her hand and she wrapped her hand around my neck and squeezed, "You, me, fifty shades of grey book reading later" and I tried so hard to hold back a laugh. However, I failed miserably. Her and I both started laughing almost hysterically, and I nudged her as she got off of me.

"You already know it, but it'll probably be in a hotel room" I snapped her back into reality,

"Did you just choke her?" Ashley asked Emily, and the two of us looked at her. Without hesitation, I said,

"She does it all the time, especially when we're alone in hotel rooms" I winked at Emily, who pretended to be flustered.

She shooed me with her hand, "Stop telling people about what we do when they aren't around!" She whined, and then Morgan and Garcia started to laugh.

Aaron sighed, "Really, guys?" I then looked at Aaron, my smile fading,

"You're just jealous that she took your spot" Spencer gasped, and Aaron's face turned a bright red. Everyone forced themselves to stifle their laughs,

"Gordon, stop" He ordered, and I shrugged, grabbing the case file off of the table,

"Only because I like taking orders from you" I muttered just to be a dick, opening the file. Emily snorted, covering her face as she hid her giggles. I smirked and didn't look up, but I knew everyone was trying hard not to laugh. Well, minus my ex boyfriend and his little kiss ass protege.

He sighed and rubbed his forehead, "We've got an undercover cult mission" I furrowed my brows,


"I thought we stopped doing cult cases?"

"Yeah, because they were highly dangerous. One of our own died in our last undercover cult mission" I reminded Aaron, my face completely serious now.

He looked back at me, "They kidnapped a teenage girl and are forcing her to marry the leaders son. We have to blend into an engagement party they're hosting, get close to them to get her out of there. They asked us to because we have the best cult experts in the world" I smiled at the compliment,

"Wait, you're the Veronica Gordon?" I looked up at Ashley, who was shocked. "You helped put a stop to seven 'stage 5' cults, you caught William Black!" I nodded,

or what, sir? |a. hotchner| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now