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Aaron and I walked out of his office, both laughing at something I had brought up. I looked down on the cubicles, seeing Reid still sitting there. I smiled, 

"Spencer Walter, let me drive you home" I called, and he glanced up from his papers. He started packing up after I said that, and I turned to Hotch. "He doesn't like taking the train at night" I whispered. He furrowed his brows, 

"Let's go, V" Reid yelled, and he started walking out. 

"Night" I felt like Aaron and I were seeing each other a lot at night, it was like the only thing we would say to each other when we were leaving. 

"Goodnight" I chased after Spencer, "Spencer, would you slow down? I'm the one with the keys!" I said, almost jumping on his back as I reached him the elevator. He chuckled, the elevator shutting behind us. 

"How was your little party with Hotch?" He asked, and I furrowed my brows. 

"You saw that?" I grew defensive,

"Penelope pointed it out, and you guys did leave the blinds open" He reminded us, and I thought for a moment. 

That really was a good night, and I'm happy I forced Aaron to have a little fun. He was having a hard time doing that recently. "Race ya to the car?" I tested. Before he could answer he was already sprinting out of the elevator. I gasped, "Asshole! You cheated!" 

I ran after him, laughing at how he moved. When he ran it was like watching an anime character, I was surprised the guy could even get clearance to go on the field. He almost slammed into my car five seconds too early, and I narrowed my eyes. 

"I didn't cheat. I adapted" He bopped my head, and I pouted. I opened the car door, him sitting in the passengers seat. "So, white bird?" I was about to agree with him, until someone from behind us smashed a glass bottle over his head. 

I spun my head around, but before I could defend myself, it was lights out. 


I coughed as I slowly tried to open my eyes, the horrible pain in my head delaying me. It was way too light where ever I was. 

"V? Veronica!" I finally had the courage to look, seeing Spencer sitting next to me. He was tied up, he looked like a mess. 

God only knew how badly I had appeared. 

My eyes went wide, "Oh my God, Spencer you're bleeding" I tried aiding him, but I was stopped by the rope that was wrapped around my wrists. I looked down, seeing my torso was tied to the chair. I examined the room around us. 

It was huge, it seemed to be an abandoned ball room. The floors were cracked, the ceiling's portrait of angels was missing pieces. 

"Your head is too" He pointed out, "We got abducted" I rolled my eyes, 

"Thanks, captain obvious" He narrowed his eyes at me. 

"Really? Sarcasm, right this second?" I was about to defend my choice of words, until someone cut me off. Someone who sounded disgustingly familiar. 

"Sarcasm is her only defense" It was me. The voice was me. I looked around, trying to see who it was. There was a females silhouette in the shadows. She stepped out, and my eyes went wide. 

"What the fuck?" I let out. She looked just like me, a spitting image. I shook my head, "Am I dreaming?" 

She strutted closer to me, almost seductively. Her makeup was done, she was wearing a small black dress with stilettos. I couldn't find one difference between us, none at all. Her lips were dark red, she looked like me if I was in a porno. 

"Fae, leave them alone for now. I want the team to only see them on this tape" I held my breath, not recognizing that voice at all. It was a man, it was deep and a little calming.

"Fae" I muttered, "You're the name my father carved into all those people" I spoke up. She shook her head, bending down so our faces were at the same height. 

"Not your father. Ours" She corrected. I felt like I was going to be sick. She wasn't a doppelgänger. She was my twin. 

I finally found the second person, seeing he was holding a camera. It was blinking red, he was recording us.  

On the other side of the video camera stood the team, 

"They look the exact same" Aaron pointed out, he was furious. "She was kidnapped by her twin?" Garcia shook her head as she typed something into her computer. 

"I can't find a twin anywhere. But she said her name is Fae. I'll cross reference..." She bit her bottom lip as she continued slamming her keyboard with her fingers. Aaron glanced up at Morgan. 

"We have nothing. What do we do with this?" Morgan asked. Aaron shook his head, 

"I don't know, but we need to do something fast" He ordered. They watched as I sat straighter. "Wait, she's going to say something" Aaron shushed everyone, "turn it up" he ordered JJ, who listened. 

"What do you want from us?" 

"Fae Black! She kept her fathers name!" Garcia yelled, and Prentiss looked over her shoulder. She gulped and shook her head, 

"That's her alright. It's basically Ronnie but angrier looking" She almost insulted, 

"You'll be recreating the night you destroyed. And if you don't? I'll fucking blow your brains out" I thought back on what she was talking about, trying to figure it out. "You know, I've been planning this for so long. I've been watching the two of you, waiting for the perfect time to strike" She started walking towards Spencer, she chuckled. "I watched you bring her soup a few days ago. I watched Agent Aaron Hotchner put her in her bed the day before" 

At headquarters, Aaron slammed his fist against the table, he was fuming. He was ready to snap someone in half. 

"You really like him, huh? Just as much as Doctor Spencer Reid likes you" I narrowed my eyes at her, and then she did something completely unexpected. Her hand shot to Spencer's crotch, and she squeezed him. He gasped, and I tried lunging at her. It was no use, 

"Don't touch him!" I screamed, pure anger dripping from my words. I pulled and yanked as I attempted to breaking free, and she laughed. She started unbuttoning his pants, and I clenched my jaw. She didn't look away from me once. 

I started to stare up at the ceiling, I couldn't watch this. 

"He's hard" She told me, "He finds you attractive" 

"Yes, she's- she's very attractive. Can you let go of me?" He was pulling the iconic speed talk,  trying to convince Fae to stop. 

"Hm" She hummed, and I glanced down. She stepped away from him, walking back into the shadows. "I'll be back" She warned, and her partner in crime placed the camera down as he followed her out. It was probably a live broadcast, which gave me an idea. I looked directly into the lens. 

"Guys? Can you hear me?" I didn't wait for an answer, I knew I wasn't getting one. "She's talking about the day I caught William Black. At the gala. She's going to dress us up, she's going to make us play out her fantasy" I explained. I peeked at Spencer, who was still noticeably uncomfortable. "I'm sorry" I apologized, "I'm sorry she did that" He just shook his head, 

"I'm not upset. I'm trying to figure out how to get out of here" He lied. I knew he was lying, he did a weird little twitch with his face when he did. 

"The team has to have something to help us" My eyes wandered to the camera again, "Hopefully..." 

or what, sir? |a. hotchner| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now