forty eight

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I hadn't told anyone other than Spencer and Aaron that I was pregnant, the fact that Angelina knew was really bothering.

It meant she was watching me.

I examined myself in my mirror, trying to stay calm for what was happening within the hour. I hadn't really been home in a while, I had been at Aaron's for so long.

Before putting my shirt on, I scanned my gunshot wound. It was healing really well, shockingly it was a small red circle shaped scar where they took the bullet out. It wasn't as bad as it could have been, they said I was lucky it didn't go farther in. If it did, I would have a huge unpleasant looking scar. At least this one I could pretend never happened by putting a small bandage covered in concealer on over it. 

I adjusted my collared button down shirt that was underneath my tan colored sweater vest, tucking both of them into my beige corduroy pants. I slid a darker brown belt through the belt holes, finishing the look off with a pair of white loafers.

"Veronica?" My eyes quickly wandered towards the door, seeing Spencer standing in the doorway. I wanted to laugh at the similar outfit choices we had made, "I like your clothes" He complimented, and I chuckled.

"Yeah, right back at you" I replied, "What are you doing here? How did you even get in?" I asked, and he dangled the extra set of keys I had given him, and I was about to speak, when someone else came in.

"Okay, if the trial starts at 12 that means we've only got an hour to go grab your tea and our coffee and get to the court room" It was Derek, dressed to impress. He had a mischievous smirk on his face, because he was already holding two cups of what looked like coffee. I knew him better though, he had gotten me a tea.  I smiled at him and he did the same to me, and I stood on my toes to give him a quick kiss on the cheek,

"Thanks, Handsome" I nicknamed per usual, taking my tea from him. I examined the cup for a moment, glancing up at him. "Does this have caffeine in it?" I asked sheepishly, and Derek shook his head.

"Reid said you couldn't have caffeine because you're on a specific diet? Which I don't understand, your body is already great" He said, taking a sip of his own drink. I glanced at Spencer, who winked at me. I smiled,

"It's a diet to be healthier, not skinnier. My doctor put me on it" I lied, grabbing my messenger bag off of my chair. "Come on, I can't be late for this" I reminded, hurrying out of the room.

I was going crazy thinking about today, the day Fae goes on trial for everything she had ever done. For shooting me, for helping kill Dean Grimaldi and around thirty of William Black's other victims. For having sex with Aaron Hotchner and impregnating herself without his consent.

I needed her to rot in hell for the rest of eternity, I didn't care what it took. I didn't care if I had to sit in the fiery pits with her, I wanted her to suffer.

We all got into Derek's car, buckling up and getting situated. Derek paused and looked at me, "Have you talked to Hotch?" I nodded,

"Him, Dave and Emily are meeting us there" I revealed, and this made Derek start up his car. He began driving off, and I glanced back to look at Spencer.

He was already staring at me, which made me read his facial expression. I knew he was trying to ask how I was feeling just by the way he furrowed his brows.

It made me nod once again, shooting him a small tight lipped grin.

This instantly made him happy, and I turned back to look in front of us. The rest of the car ride we spoke about cold cases, which was a hobby of mine. Spencer and I did it almost every day, whether it was over the phone or in person.

or what, sir? |a. hotchner| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now