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Fae wandered towards the two of us. It seemed to not be too threatening, until she pulled a gun out.

You heard me, a fucking gun.

She pointed it directly at Spencer's head, and my eyes went wide, "No, no! Shoot me!" I begged. She laughed at me in an almost taunting way.

"No one needs to be shot if you cooperate" She ensured, "I'm going to untie you. If you try anything, you won't be shot" She cocked the gun, "He will" I held my breath, nodding.

"I understand" I let out, and she walked behind me. She started to untie me, and once she was finished, she spoke.

"Stand" I listened, "Now, you will slowly walk towards that door" with the hand not pointing the gun at Spencer's head, she gestured towards the grand door. I looked back at Spencer, who nodded.

"Go, go" He ordered. I obeyed, and I started walking towards it. "V" I wanted to pause, but didn't. I just turned my head a little, "I love you" I nodded, looking back in front of me.

"I love you too" I was so scared, I was shaking. I could deal with dying. What I couldn't deal with was Spencer dying.

I finished, standing by the door now. She finally followed me over, putting her gun in her stockings. "I'll be cleaning you up for tonight" She started, putting her hand on my back. Shivers went up my spine, "Tim will help out Doctor Reid"

"Yes" I agreed, and she started pushing me lightly to walk with her.

"Good" She whispered, and I examined my surroundings. We were in an abandoned building, I knew that for a fact. But where?

After a few moments, we entered an older bathroom. It was clean but broken, the tiles and walls cracked and falling apart. Was this... the place I caught my father?

Would they really make it that obvious? And how did we get here so fast? It was all the way in Connecticut.

She sat me down on a fancy stool, and she walked over to one of the stalls. She picked up a long red evening gown, with a sweetheart neckline and a slit going up the right leg. It was made of silk, and if I wasn't fucking kidnapped, I would have absolutely loved it.

"I wore this that night. Now it's your turn" She hung it closer to us, and then she turned the sink on. She put a cloth under it, pressing it to my head. It stung as she touched it, and I glanced in the mirror.

Jesus, I looked like I had just survived the apocalypse. There was dirt and blood all over my face, my clothes dirty as well.

Did she fucking push me in mud or something? She cleaned the gash on the right side of my head, which I knew would scar. I hissed as she pressed too hard. "I always wished we would have this moment together" She admitted. I nodded.

"I always wanted a sister" I lied. I was content with my brothers, thank you. She finished basically washing my face off, and then she started rummaging through a bag.

She pulled out a smaller bag, "Get changed so I can start your makeup" My eye twitched, totally and obviously uncomfortable. I stood and took the dress off of the hook, placing it on the stool. I slid my clothes off slowly, and once I was in my undergarments, I grabbed the dress again.

"Um... What are you doing with Spencer?" I tried to sound as non concerned as possible, and she  played with red colored lipstick.

"Tim is getting him ready too" She didn't look away from the lip color. I stepped into the dress, and once it was on, I zipped it. "Sit" She ordered, and I did so. She started fixing my hair, reapplying makeup. I felt like I was getting ready for a super important party.

or what, sir? |a. hotchner| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now