bonus ! - thanksgiving

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*hey everyone! i'm going to do these for holidays and honestly some just for fun.  miss and love this story so much and really love the idea of 'one shots', so here they are! i really hope you enjoy them because im going to have a lot of fun writing them! just a warning for this chapter that there will be rough sex with degradation kink *

I rushed towards the kitchen to make sure the food wasn't burning, tying the back of my apron as I did so. I opened the oven, examining the turkey. I narrowed my eyes a bit, when I felt someone squeeze my ass. I jumped, 

"Aaron Hotchner!" I warned, and I heard him start laughing as I stood and turned to look at him. He couldn't stop giggling, "You're a pig" I said as I shut the oven door again. He calmed himself down a bit, but his smile was still very large. 

"Only for you" He said as he pressed his lips onto mine. Once he pulled away and started walking towards the dining room, I nodded. 

"Oh, yeah?" I questioned, right before I smacked his ass. He jumped just like I had, and this made me smile brightly as he turned around. He held his butt cheek with one of his hands, "Don't touch my butt while I'm making dinner, and don't when everyone gets here" I instructed, "You can do that tonight when everyone leaves" I offered, 

He started to walk closer, "Yeah? You look good in an apron, you know that?" Before I could respond, I heard little feet running into the room. 

It was a smiling, excited Jack. "When does everyone come!" He asked happily, and I glanced at the clock.

"Well, I'm taking the turkey out in five minutes, and I'm pretty sure they're all going to be here right--" I was interrupted by the doorbell ringing, and I pointed up at the ceiling. "Now" I chuckled, and he quickly rushed towards the door. Aaron laughed as the two of us watched him open the door for the team and my family. 

They all greeted him with warm hugs and hellos, and once they all entered, he shut the door. Emily came in with two bottles of wine, Derek with two packs of beer. I let out a sigh of frustration at the sight of alcohol, "I hate you guys" I mumbled, and everyone started laughing at my reaction. I obviously couldn't drink, even though I loved doing so. It was depressing, really. 

We all started getting everyone settled in the dining room, and Spencer called my name. I made my way towards the kitchen where he had been. "You look stressed" He said as I started to pull out the turkey from the oven. I laughed, 

"I've been working on the food all day while Aaron stayed at the office and finished a lot of paperwork. He doesn't really know how to cook so I was stuck with it, and I've been running around all day" I explained, putting the turkey onto the stove and basically throwing the glove I had been wearing onto the table. 

He held out his wine, which was already in a cup and was mostly full. I raised a brow, "I did a lot of research, a sip or even a cup of alcohol doesn't affect the baby whatsoever" He ensured, and I glanced back at Aaron to see what he was doing. 

He was strict with the no drinking, so if he wasn't looking, this was my only chance. I quickly took the glass from him and started to chug the thing as fast as I could. Spencer tried hard not to laugh, until we heard an angry "Veronica...!" My eyes went wide and I almost chocked on the drink, quickly handing it back to my best friend and turning to look at the turkey. Spencer did the same and we completely ignored my husbands warning tone. 

We both let out quiet laughs as I cut up the turkey, and I brought it to the table with us. I sat down on the opposing side of Aaron of the dining room table, "Now, we eat!" I told them, and they all started to cheer. I glanced up at Aaron, who was staring at me longingly. 

or what, sir? |a. hotchner| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now