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I scoffed at my mothers words. 

"Yes, Lauren" I started, "You not telling me that I had a fucking psychotic twin sister was important" I was furious. She put her head in her hands, 

It was a day after I woke up, and I was leaving tonight. I finally had enough energy to fight the family about not telling me about Fae. 

"Veronica, she was trying to protect you" My father defended, and I shook my head. Narrowing my eyes, I spoke, 

"She just shot and almost killed me, how was not telling me about her actually protecting me?" I shot back, and my brother, Carter, cut in. 

"Look, I know we're all emotional. But now you know everything, yeah? Mom's going to make it up to you. So we're going to go up to the house on the Cape, we're going to love each other because you almost died, mhm?" I just stared at him, as if I was going to strangle him. He sighed at the expression on my face, when someone entered the room. 

There stood Morgan, and I smiled. 

"Oh thank God you're here" I let out, and he walked closer to me. He handed me a glass of water slowly, looking around. 

He seemed really awkward, "Did I interrupt something?" I shook my head, taking a sip of the drink. I placed it on the stool next to the hospital bed. 

"It's totally okay, really" I said, "We're just talking about tomorrow, they already bought the plane tickets" My mother stood and nodded, 

She ran a hand through her blonde locks, "Ronnie won't be cleared to fly for a while, she's going to have to drive" Then, a second person walked into the room. Everyone looked to see who it was, revealing Aaron. 

"Well, Hotch could drive with her" Morgan smirked at his own words, raising both his brows. He walked over to Aaron, putting his hand on Aaron's back. He patted it, "Won't you, Hotch?" Aaron looked confused. 

"Won't I what?" He asked, 

"Like I was telling Derek, Veronica won't be able to go on a plane for another six days. She has to drive there" 

"And I  suggested you should drive her. You know, she shouldn't be driving by herself" Morgan nudged him, and Aaron narrowed his eyes a bit. He nodded, 

"Yeah, I'll take her" He agreed, and I looked down so the entire room didn't see how bright red my face had gotten. 

"Excellent!" My mom clapped her hands together, and I let out a small laugh. 

"Yeah, excellent..." 


I had finally gotten out of the hospital, but I stayed the night at Spencers. I wasn't going to be staying home for a while, not until they were caught.

I bit my lip, shaking my head.

"The only reason I thought this was a good idea was because I don't feel safe here. I feel like I'm always being watched" I whispered the last part, "But I really don't want to go. We're bringing Aaron and everyone, they're going to totally embarrass me. They're a bunch of preppy brats" Spencer looked up from packing his bag, squinting at me.

"Weren't you a preppy brat?" He actually looked like he was asking a genuine question. I growled, shoving another maxi dress in my own duffle.

"Not anymore!" Spencer raised both his brows, "and you know what? Aaron totally only agreed because he thought that was what I wanted" Spencer sat on my bed after zipping up his suitcase, and I threw my sweater at him to put away for me. It accidentally hit him in the face, but I didn't notice.

"You and I needed this. We all did, and hey" He started, "Maybe something'll happen with Hotch" He put the sweater on my bag, getting up. He walked over to me, stopping next to me to rest his arm on my shoulder.

I thought about it for a moment, and he was right. "Wingman?" I looked at him, and he raised both his brows. He let out his cute little laugh,

"Wingman? I barely even know what that means" he admitted, and I sighed. "Now, hurry up and finish packing. I don't want to miss the flight" I chuckled at his excitement, ruffling his hair.

"Fine, fine"


"I'm warning you guys, it's really not what you're expecting" I warned, and Morgan wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Giggles, I don't care as long as we've got some fine ladies" I shook my head and chuckled, sitting down next to Aaron on the in the car.

I wasn't cleared to fly for another six days, so Aaron and I were driving there. The teams flight would be taking off in a few hours, we would be there to pick them up.

They obviously weren't allowed to take the work jet on vacation with them, my parents had paid for the whole thing. There were only four of them on the plane, Rossi and JJ not being able to come.

"We'll see you guys in a bit" Aaron told them, starting the SUV. Garcia bent down and rested her forearms on the opened window, peaking in.

"Keep her safe, sir" I kissed her cheek, patting it directly after.

"Love you baby" I told her,

"You more" she ensured, stepping away. He put the windows up, driving off. He was typing a bunch of things in his GPS. I leaned my head on the back of the seat, staring at the ceiling.

I smirked, "So... sir" I started, "You going to keep me safe?" I eyed him, still keeping my head on the seat. He scoffed, smiling.

"You were just shot four days ago and you still have a good sense of humor" I shrugged, resting my elbow on the middle council.

"It doesn't have to be a joke" I looked up at him, but he was still staring at the road.

"Are you going to do this the entire drive?" I nodded, sitting back normally. I examined my nails as I spoke once again,

"You really want me to stop?" I answered his question with my own, and he sat silent for a moment. I chuckled, "Didn't think so"

I always had to pretend like I was overly confident around him, but the truth was that I wasn't. I would look at him or even think about him and my legs felt like jelly. "Someone told me you stayed at the hospital till I woke up" I started, glancing at him, "Is that true?"

"I... yeah" He looked at me as he stopped at a red light, "I needed to make sure you were okay" He admitted. I pursed my lips, trying to conceal my grin. 

"Awe, maybe I was right. Maybe you are Romeo" I looked out the window. 

Yeah, hopefully. 

or what, sir? |a. hotchner| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now