forty nine

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Dean Grimaldi was the boy I thought I would spend the rest of my life with. I was in love with him, and when he died I was never the same. 

Aaron Hotchner is the man I would be spending the rest of my life with. I am in love with him, and if he ever died I would never be the same. 

I had fainted when I saw Dean again for the first time, the rest of the court case had to be postponed. It was embarrassing, honestly. I thought I was dreaming when I woke up, until I realized I was in a hospital bed. 

This wouldn't even have been a dream if I were sleeping. 

It would have been a god damn nightmare. 

Because if waking up in a hospital wasn't enough, "Veronica" I heard, squinting at the brightness of the lights above me. Once my vision was no longer restricting me, I looked around. 

There stood and sat everyone. My parents, my brothers, my team, Aaron. Everyone was there, and all of them had the same look on their face. They were all so incredibly sad, it looked like a few of them had been crying. 

"Did that really just happen? Is Dean...?" I couldn't finish my sentence, I was too nervous to. My eyes landed on Aaron, who was miserable. He looked like he had been crying for hours, like his entire world just ended. 

I grabbed onto his hand gently, and my brows furrowed "What? What's wrong?" I whispered. He held onto my hand as soon as I did, and he squeezed it. 

"Veronica, you..." He couldn't get the words out, he was hesitant. He looked up at Spencer, who nodded, before he finally looked back at me, "We lost the baby" 

And then I understood why he looked the way he did. I felt my entire world ending, too. 

I let out a small gasp and let go of him in order to cover my mouth, and the tears instantly started to fall. 

What? How could this happen? Right now? 

Spencer rushed towards my side, he sat on the bed next to me, "I'm sorry" He muttered, and I instantly wrapped my arms around him. He hugged me back, rubbing my back to try and calm me down. 

"How did this happen?" I asked him, 

He knew I wanted the actual answer, "You got overly stressed when seeing Dean again, it's one of the leading causes of miscarriage" He revealed. I held onto him tighter. 

I wasn't only upset, I was livid. There was no fucking way I was letting my sister have my boyfriends child, there was no way I was letting her take away the child I wanted for so long. She ruined it for me. 

And Dean Grimaldi fucking let her. 

"Get me out of here" I ordered, taking the IV's out of my arm. Everyone's eyes went wide, 

"Wow, wow! Veronica you can't just-" I pushed Morgan away from me, grabbing my clothes in the plastic bag next to my bed. 

I didn't care about the consequences anymore, "Yes, I can" I shot back, walking out of the hospital room. 


I stormed into the police station, dressed in my clothes from yesterday. I saw the sheriff almost instantly, which made me take out my credentials. "Where is Dean Grimaldi?" I asked, flashing my ID at him. He pointed to the interrogation room, and I walked over to it. I pushed the door open, seeing him sitting there patiently. 

A huge smile appeared on his face, like he was excited to see me. "Veronica, thank God-" I sat in front of him, and he stopped talking when he saw the expression I was wearing. 

or what, sir? |a. hotchner| ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن