forty three

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*so so sorry for everyone who got a notification saying this chapter went up bc it actually didn't?? but here it is ahahaha enjoy it guys love u 😌💚*

It was a few days later, and I made my parents leave that night. I couldn't believe the things they said, especially in front of Aaron.

I was honestly really heartbroken, because the only person that was constantly in my life just left, and I didn't know if that was going to be the last time I talked to her.

The girls knew I was having a hard time, and the four of us decided to go on a night out on the city.

"JJ, that's not the point" Emily defended as she handed me my chai tea latte. I took a sip as a small smirk formed on my face.

"Well, are you gonna call him?" JJ questioned, and Emily rolled her eyes.


The two of us then groaned at her response, "Em!" I whined,

"Mick Rawson is an arrogant, oversexed, egotistical--"

JJ quickly cut her off, "Hot British dude with a sexy accent, badge, and gun. Just your type" I accidentally let out a laugh,

"He's so hot it hurts" I added, and this time, Emily groaned.

"You know what? I don't even get you sometimes" JJ said as she sipped her drink, and Emily shrugged,

"Sorry, it wouldn't go anywhere" She ensured, and I narrowed my eyes.

"Says who?" I defended,

"Yeah, you don't know that" JJ helped me out, and Emily nodded.

"I know our work schedules"

"Ok, you know what? Will and I make it work" I pointed at the air,

"Aaron and I, too" I added, and we all paused as we watched Garcia rushing over with probably seven large gift bags. JJ's eyes went wide, a big grin forming on my own face.

"Oh. Oh, no" JJ was about to continue, but PG cut her off,

"I know, I know, I know. Don't say it" She started, "But when you see what's in here... And it's not my fault. They were calling to me, I swear" She looked at the bags, "And they were all on sale. And when you think about it, that means that I am helping the economy, Which is more than I can say for you guys, 'cause no one else has bags" She slowly stopped rambling as JJ nodded.

"Yeah, please tell me all of those aren't for my son" She hoped, and Garcia smiled sheepishly.

"They're not" It seemed to be a lie,


"This one is for Kevin" She held up a super tiny bag, one that almost looked like it was for a doll. Emily and I started to laugh at JJ's shocked face, "What! It is my duty as a fairy godmother to spoil the child, and Henry is finally old enough to be fun when opening presents. I'm not taking them back" She ensured, "Now, give me my coffee and no one's gonna get hurt"

"Oh, uh, half-caf extra shot venti, 2-pump nonfat, hold the whip caramel macchiato" Emily remembered it word for word as she handed it to our now red headed best friend.

"Mm-hmm. Next stop, Xanadu" Garcia smiled, and I started walking over to her. We were about to talk about the next location, when JJ's cell chimed.

"Oh, wait. Uh... Xana-don't. Time to go to the BAU, ladies" We all groaned, and I sighed afterwards.

This job was getting way too much, way too often.

"Maybe I should get a cat" Emily said out of no where, and everyone looked at her funny. That was abnormally random.

or what, sir? |a. hotchner| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now