thirty two

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We got out of the SUV quickly, all of us rushing up to the house. Aaron and I were the first ones in, our guns ready to fire. We looked around the living room, not seeing anything yet. 

That was until we looked down. 

Aarons eyes went wide and he put his gun away, rushing towards the man laying in his own blood, "Sam!"  

"This is agent Rossi, FBI. We need an ambulance, we have a federal officer down" Rossi said into his mic, and I kneeled down next to the man. Aaron and I tried to help him, 

 "I wouldn't...I wouldn't..." He tried to speak as he saw Aaron, but Aaron shook his head  

"We're getting an ambulance" He ensured, but the guy started coughing. Aaron and I exchanged worried looks,  

"I tried" 

I tried to comfort him, "Hang on, just hang on"  

"I'm sorry" The man said. 

Oh no. 

"What are you sorry for?" Aaron was trying hard not to shake  

"I...I tried" He managed to say, and Aaron's eyes went wide. 

"Are Jack and Haley safe?" His voice cracked, and it broke my heart. The man was breathing hard, he was trying to get the words out. He couldn't, "Sam, tell me what happened" Aaron ordered calmly, 

"I don't know how he got in" I looked up at Emily and Derek, who had just walked in. Emily had her hands on her head, not believing what she was hearing. Derek just stared at all of us, his eyes glassy. 

"Sam, I need to understand. Does he know where Jack and Haley are? What about her phone number? What's her safe phone number?" He was freaking out, but almost... calmly? Like he didn't want to do anything rash. 

"I didn' won't matter" He admitted, and then he tried grabbing Aaron's hand. "I--I tried, Hotch." Then, paramedics came rushing in. They made us move out of the way as they put him on a stretch.

"Gunshot wounds to each leg, one foot, he's missing several fingers, and appears to be badly beaten. Clear out of the way" One started, so I had to pull Aaron up and out of their way, "Get me a c-collar, prep me a saline drip while I grab a round of vitals" he pulled away from me and followed them out. He needed more answers, and if I were him, I would too.

It was only around ten minutes later that we got a call from Aaron. I put it on speaker, and he spoke up quickly, "Foyet called haley from Kassmeyer's phone" Aaron revealed, and I covered my mouth lightly. 

"All right, we'll get Garcia to trace it" Morgan ensured, and but Aaron basically ignored his words.

 "He told her she was compromised and I was dead" I felt sick to my stomach listening to the words coming from his mouth. 

I would have lost my fucking mind if I had gotten that phone call. I didn't even want to begin to think about how she was feeling. 

"Well, have you called her?" Emily asked, 

"No, he said to throw her phone away and to buy a disposable" He replied quickly. Morgan took my phone from me, nodding. 

"Hotch, we're gonna come get you right now"

"No, Anderson's bringing me a car" he was distressed, I could basically hear him pacing. 

I spoke up,"Do you want to meet us back at the office?" He didn't answer for a moment, but when he did, he ignored my words and said, 

or what, sir? |a. hotchner| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now