twenty seven

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It was two weeks later, and I had been cleaning up around Spencer's apartment. I bit my lip as I folded our clothes, when the phone started to ring. I picked it up, flicking it and placing it on my shoulder. I tilted my head onto it to hold it in place.

"SSA Veronica Gordon" I spoke,

"Giggles, it's me. Have you talked to Aaron?" I narrowed my eyes at Derek's voice, dropping Spencer's pants on the bed.

I shook my head, "No... why?" Derek sighed,

"He won't answer any of our calls. We've got a case that just came up," I shrugged, sitting on Spencer's bed.

"That's weird... Maybe his phone's dead? You guys literally just got off of a case" There was silence on the other end of the phone,

"Do you mind coming to help Reid with this? We've almost got this guy, we just need an extra set of eyes" I rushed towards Spencer's closet,

"I'll be there in ten if you give me the address" I then hung up, throwing my phone on the bed. I rummaged though my stuff, finding a simple grey sweater and black jeans. I snatched one of Spencer's only white button downs from it's hanger, and I started getting dressed.

Hotch not showing up for work was weird, I was really worried about him. I knew he hadn't slept in, he didn't know how to. I slid on a pair of loafer heels, grabbing my bag and my phone. I rushed out of the house jumping into my car. I rummaged through my bag for the keys, shoving them into the ignition as I drove off.

I started to dial Aaron's phone number, pressing the phone to my ear. "This is Special Agent Aaron Hotchner, please leave a detailed message after the beep" I hung up as it went to voicemail once again. I grunted in frustration, basically slamming the phone on my lap. Where was he?

By the time I got to the address Derek had sent me, paramedics were already there. My eyes went wide as I saw Spencer half lying on the ground, resting on his elbow. I jumped out of the car, running towards him.

The team was already standing around him,

"Are you alright?" JJ asked in a worried tone. I kneeled down next to him, examining his leg.

Jesus fucking christ. Would they let this guy have a break?

"He needs to go to the hospital" Rossi said, and Reid grunted,

"I'm fine! I'm not even in that much pain" He looked directly into my eyes, "You need to find Emily, call Emily" I furrowed my brows at how persistent he was.

"What happened to Emily?" I questioned

"Where is she?" Morgan asked him,

"Something's happened to Hotch" He revealed, and my eyes went wide. I stood up, I felt my heart drop into my stomach. I felt so sick, and my body began to physically ache as I realized that I was the last person to talk to him last night.

I hung up with him because I was tired, fucking tired. What if he wasn't okay?

"We'll put you in the ambulance with JJ. Dave, Ronnie come with me" Morgan told us, and the three of us rushed towards my car. I got into the driver's seat, taking the keys right out of Morgan's hand. I shoved them into the ignition and impatiently waited for Rossi to shut the final door. Once he did, I sped off. Morgan dialed Emily, putting her on speaker.

"Em? Emily, where are you guys?" I asked,

"We're at Sebastian, I think it was Foyet" It was a hospital maybe twenty minutes from where we were.

I was about to make it ten.

I switched on the sirens, speeding almost thirty above the speed limit. Derek hung up on her, and Rossi looked at me,"Kiddo, slow down" Rossi ordered. I shook my head and kept going,

or what, sir? |a. hotchner| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now