sixty three

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I hugged Spencer tightly, letting a breath out I didn't realize I was holding. "Thank you" I muttered in his ear as he hugged back, and he nodded.

"Anything for you" He let out, and we let go of one another. I cupped his face, "Thanks for cutting Foyet off, it made her statement seem inaccurate. Maybe Strauss won't look to deep into it" He whispered, and I squeezed his cheeks.

"Anything for you" I repeated, pulling his head down a bit to kiss his forehead. He smiled brightly at this, but when I let go of him, I heard a door slam. Both mine and Spencer's eyes shot to see what it had been, seeing everyone was still in the room except Aaron.

I looked back at my best friend, "I'll be back" I told him, and I hurried off to follow him. Before I could re-open the door though, I felt someone grab me arm. My head spun around to see who it had been, revealing Morgan. He looked concerned.

"What did you say in there? He's fuming" He revealed, and I shook my head.

"It could have been anything to set him off, there was a lot that was said" I replied, and he let go of me. I was able to hurry out of the room this time, and I knew exactly where he had been off to. He was going to do some paperwork in his office, like he always did when he was angry or upset.

Him and I were very different, but that was something him and I had in common. We loved paperwork, no matter the occasion. He would go do paperwork when he was happy, sad, annoyed, excited. That man really loved his paperwork.

But right now was not the time to be upset with one another. We had finally just got back together not even a week ago, I really just wanted the two of us to be happy for once. So instead of knocking, I just walked right in, and I saw I was right. He had in fact been doing paperwork. He looked up at me, but then instantly looked down at his paper. "Come on, which one is it. Hit me with it" I let out, but he continued to write on his sheet.

"You had an affair? With your professor?" I rubbed my forehead and shut the door, making sure no one could hear. "Are you even qualified for this job? Did you have sex with him to pass?" I furrowed my brows and my jaw almost dropped to the ground,

"Excuse me?"

"Veronica this isn't a joke, they may re evaluate you" I walked over to him,

"How dare you talk to me that way" I shot at him, and this made him stand. We were on opposing sides of his desk, but I was ready to jump over it and beat the shit out of him. I was furious, he has nerve to talk to me that way. "I've caught eight stage five cult leaders in the span of five years, I've helped capture so many criminals and picked their brains to the point that it's comical that you could even say such a thing to me"

"You had an affair with your teacher, a man I still know and am forced to talk to. What am I supposed to think? Most students have affairs with their professors when they need to pass" I scoffed at him,

"My previous love affairs are none of your business"

"Affairs? There's more than one?" Now he was livid, completely angry at the thought. I rolled my eyes at him, trying to think of something to say to him, "Wow, knowing you you had an affair with fucking Jason too" I gasped,

"Gideon!" I questioned, utterly shocked at his accusation. That man was like a father to me, I loved, cherished, and looked up to that man. So I grabbed Aaron's tie and pulled him angrily closer to me, leaning in over his table, "You're the one who has a thing for underage girls" He looked even more unhappy with my words, "You put a girl who's into older guys with a guy who's into younger girls. You're really surprised about the situation we're in right now?" He didn't know how to answer me, until he said through a clenched jaw,

or what, sir? |a. hotchner| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now