sixty two

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warning: mentions of drug abuse,  and self harm  

The three of us entered the car, and I tried to figure out what I had just been told. Dean had lied directly to me, saying he was back with everyone in Massachusetts. He didn't care about me, he was exposing me and everyone I care about. This team was my family, I could never live without them and he knew that. But he wanted to do this, he wanted to destroy our lives. 

"Gordon, start the car" Aaron ordered, but I just stared down at the wheel. I was holding back tears as I realized how long this had been going on, how much this man hated me. 

How I had mourned and loved him, and he was collecting information our entire lives about me in order to blackmail me. Me killing Fae had to have been part of their master plan, there was no way he would have allowed me to get away with everything. "Veronica?" I heard, this time it was less aggressive and more concerned. I finally looked over at my boyfriend, his brows furrowed and his lips parted as if he were trying to figure out what to say. 

"Are you okay?" Dave questioned, and my eyes wandered between the two of theirs. I shoved the keys into the ignition to started the car, 

"I'll be okay when we finish this" I lied, and I took the car out of park. I started to speed off towards headquarters, thinking about everything going on. I was so tired, I had finally been able to get back into my relationship with Aaron and now I'm back at it with crazy stalkers that know way too much about all of our personal lives. I was sick of it, I just wanted this to be over with. I couldn't deal with this anymore. 

We were all silent the entire drive there, they knew I didn't want to talk, and to be honest, they didn't seem like they wanted to either. Just because everyone had told me that Dean was one of the bad guys, doesn't mean they wanted to rub it in my face. They knew I was upset about it, so they let me be. 

It didn't take very long to get back to the office, and two security guards were waiting for the three of us. They walked us inside, and soon enough, we were standing in front of the door to the interrogation room. "This is a bad idea" I let out, and Aaron looked down at me. 


"They purposely got caught, there is no way they were found that easily unless they wanted to be" I said to the two men next to me, nervously. I couldn't even fathom what was about to happen next. I was going to go to prison, everyone else would probably be fired. We were screwed, completely and utterly. 

"Dave, can you go in? I need to talk to Gordon" Dave nodded, and he entered the room, shutting it behind him. This left the two of us to stand there together, "I won't let them do anything to you, okay? I'll make sure they don't do what I think they're going to do" 

"Aaron, I'm scared. For all of us, we're all screwed" I felt tears form in my eyes, "I don't know what to do, I can't do this" I admitted, and he instantly wiped the tear that fell from my right eye. 

He leaned down a bit and cupped both my cheeks, "Veronica Gordon, you are the strongest women I have ever met. You will do this, and we will put them away. They can't hurt us anymore, they can't watch us anymore. We just need them to confess, and then we get rid of them for good" His eyes were locked with mine, "You're one scary son of a bitch, you know how to intimidate people, you know how to make a person fear you. You can do this" 

I really needed to hear that, if I was being honest. He was one of the only things keeping me going. "Thank you" I let out, and he nodded, "I love you" I whispered,

"I love you, too" He ensured, kissing my forehead. "Now, come on. We've got work to do" He let go of me, and I stood straighter, adjusting my sweater. I opened the door and strutted in the place as if I didn't almost just have a mental breakdown, my boyfriend following close behind. 

or what, sir? |a. hotchner| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now