twenty six

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I snuggled up to the pillows in the large bed that belonged to Aaron, trying my hardest not to wake up to the noise I had just heard. 

"Veronica?" I heard, and I snuck a peak. It was Aaron, his tie undone and his jacket off. I smiled faintly, closing my eyes once again. 

"Hi" I responded, and he put his briefcase down. 

He walked closer to bed, sitting on it. He put his hand on mine, which was just out of the white blanket, "How you feeling?" I shrugged a little, 

"Better now that you're here" I was so tired, I was saying anything that came to mind. He chuckled, kicking his shoes off. 

"Reid's going to be okay, they found the cure and gave it to him. He's going to be in the hospital for a bit"  I nodded, tugging on his hand that was once on mine. 

I was so glad he was alright, but for some reason, I felt like I already knew he would be. It wasn't his time yet. 

He started taking his button down off with his free hand, "Am I allowed to change?" I sighed, opening my eyes. 

Examining him, I spoke. "I suppose" I pretended to be upset by his words, but I really wasn't complaining. 

"Do you want some extra clothes?" I sat up, looking down at the outfit I was wearing. I was still in my button down, but I had taken my tight black skirt off to fall asleep. It was sitting on the floor, and I nodded. 

"Maybe just a shirt?" I suggested, and he opened one of his drawers. He pulled out a large black teeshirt, and then he glanced at me. He gestured to it, 


"Yeah" I held my hand out to take it, placing it on the bed. I started to take my button down off, throwing that next to my other articles of clothing. I slid the black shirt over my head, hugging myself. It smelled just like him, that scent of pine always reminding me of the guy standing in front of me. 

I watched as he started to take his pants off, revealing his black boxers. I bit my bottom lip as he pulled a pair of black and brown plaid pajama bottoms. He slid them on, turning to look at me. I examined his bare chest, "Nice ass" I let out, and then my left eye twitched. 

Veronica, what? 

Why would you say that? 

Sure, it wasn't a lie. But really? Right now?

He let out an unexpected laugh, obviously shocked by my words. "Thanks for noticing" He got into the bed next to me, turning the lamp off. I rested my head on his chest, wrapping my arm around his chest and my leg over one of his. He began to stroke my hair, and then he said something. I squeezed my eyes shut, 

"What did you say?" I asked, unsure. He shook his head, 

"Nothing, goodnight Veronica" I smiled, 



Aaron dropped me off at the hospital the next day to go see Reid, and he would have stayed if he didn't have to be at Haley's to pick Jack up for a son father day. He didn't get those a lot, I didn't want to bother him. 

I entered Spencer's hospital room, only to see he was awake and eating jello. He was a mess, his hair was everywhere and his under eye bags were crazy dark that day. He smiled faintly at me, 

"How you feeling?" He asked me, and I scoffed.

"Spencer, you just survived deadly anthrax" He examined me, 

"You just survived being shot," He pointed out. I sat down in the seat next to him, "I'm okay, I'm really uncomfortable but I'll live" 

I pursed my lips and put my hand on his. "You're really strong" I let out, and he chuckled. He took another bite of his jello, 

"I love you too, V" He ensured. "Hotch told everyone you're going on leave for a few weeks. I'm glad you are, you really need this" I nodded. "You stayed at his place last night?" My eyes went wide, 

"He told everyone?" Spencer laughed, 

"No, I just know you won't stay at my place alone" He leaned closer, "Did you guys have sex?" I gasped, covering his mouth. He was cackling at that point, 

"Would you be quiet?" I hissed, pulling my hand away from his lips, "No, we didn't. We just kissed once, and then we fell asleep together" His eyes went wide, 

"Wow, you guys kissed?" I then realized he had no idea that the two of us had kissed before. He didn't know about the club, or the boat. He knew nothing, I hadn't had time to tell him any of it. I gritted my teeth, and he noticed. "Are you not telling me something?"

I nodded, covering my face with my hands. "Veronica!" He whined, 

"I'm sorry!" I started, "I completely forgot to tell you everything! We didn't have time, we were never alone!" I defended. He put his half eaten jello down on the little table connected to the bed. 

He looked like he was trying to get comfortable, "Well, I can't move. So spill" He was acting like a school girl, but I thought it was quite funny. So I did, I told him everything. About the date that happened a while ago. Then about how we made out after the club on vacation, and then how he took care of me before bed that same night. About me going down on him on the boat. Everything. 

He was so interested, he wouldn't look away from me as I told him the story. Gasping and laughing at certain parts, he spoke, "This really is your life, we're just living in it" He joked. 

"Oh, shush"

or what, sir? |a. hotchner| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now