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You four continued talking, mostly about how much you guys missed each and reminiscing good old times. You wondered why Yuki and Zero are still not going to class despite lunchtime being finished. They say its fine, they use to cut class often. Kaien also say its ok, not very responsible for a chairman to say that but hey, that's why you stan him.

You will be sharing rooms with Zero. "Good for you Zero, you can see moi dazzling face the moment you open your eyes in the morning~" you send a flying kiss towards him.

"I wanna be roommates with you too (m/n)! I wanna be blessed by your presence everyday." Yuki suddenly says.

Zero clicked his tongue. "Take him, I don't want him."

You guys continued bickering around until Kaien came with some food.

"I present you, my Michelin star fried eggs and bacon." he presents. Lucky him, you guys are hungry and decided not to trashtalk his cooking. You guys haven't had eaten yet so his simple eggs and bacon actually looks like bomb.

You guys started eating. It was until you put your third bacon when you felt a churn inside your stomach. It was this moment, you knew, you fucked up. You suddenly stood up and went straight to window, you opened it and starts throwing up. This startled the three, Zero running towards you asking if you're ok, Yuki looked for some towels while Kaien pours some water in a glass to be handed to you.

"What the hell! Are you ok?" Zero stated in concern while patting your back in a circular motion.

Yuki and Kaien also peeked at your back looking discerningly worried with towel and water on their hand.

Guilt panged your chest, you actually knew the reason. You've been nauseous ever since you set foot here at the academy because you lack sleep and eat a horse before going here. Your gluttonous ass made you like this.

"I- I'm pregnant." you say in such a serious tone.

The three looked dumbfounded until Zero smacked your back hard unconsciously.

"How cruel! What will I do if something happened to our baby." you cried fake tears.
"Nah I'm just kidding, I just ate too much this morning and its biting me back." you confessed.

"You deserved it, you pig!"
"Are you feeling better now?"
"You shouldn't do that (m/n)."
They said.

You felt relieved, you turned the mood lighthearted again. It continued like this for a while.

"Oh yeah, (m/n) would you like to join this two as guardian? I guess just assigning two people won't be enough." Kaien ask with a gleam in his eyes.

"Guardian?" you asked.

"We are supposed to protect the students from Sun dorm against vampires." Yuki explained.

You thought its pretty cool, being somewhat a hero that protects people. You always wanted to help those who are in need. And you are the protagonist, so you'll definitely accept.

"Its hard to protect them when they purposely present themselves to those blood-suckers." Zero said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

You smiled at him, looks like he had hard time. You knew Zero's circumstances, how his family was killed by vampires, his hatred towards vampires. You thought it hard for him to be dealing with these. Protecting humans.

"I'm in, I'm in!" to said enthusiastically, wanting to be able to protect humans and your precious friends.

To be honest, Zero does not want this. He knew the dangers of being a guardian. He was strongly against it when Yuki accepted being one and now (m/n) wants to be a guardian as well. He wanted to be the one protecting them, since fighting might cause some casualties. He starts to daze away from the talk, having conflicted feelings about this.

"Let me show you some weapons then." Kaien says.

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