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It was now February 13, Yuki secretly asked for your help in making some chocolates for tomorrow. After getting all the ingredients in the market, you two sneaked into Kaien's kitchen late at night.

"So, who's the lucky guy Yuki?" you cooed in her ears. Ofcourse you already knew the person she'll give the chocolate with but you wanted to tease her.
You tied the apron around your waist and laid out the chocolate ingredients at the countertop.

"I-it's a secret." she answered with a blush.

You kept on teasing her because she's so cute when flustered.

You continued working on the chocolate mixture. You're thinking about giving some for Kaien and Zero. Kaien adores sweets, he often buys cakes from the bakery after meals. In Zero's case, you didn't know his preference much because you never asked him, though you noticed that he doesn't eat too much desserts.

"Zero doesn't like sweets that much does he?" you questioned Yuki.

"I think so, I rarely seen him eating sweet and he usually drink his coffee black like his soul." she answered. "Are you planning on giving him chocolates tomorrow?" she asked.

You nodded, "He might sulk if he didn't get any chocolate tomorrow." you separated some chocolate mixture to another bowl and added coffee powder on it to counter the sweetness. "This should be perfect." you uttered after tasting it.

You pour the chocolate mixture into the heart-shaped molds and put it in the refrigerator. You two started cleaning the mess in the kitchen before heading back to the dorms.

It's now the dreadful day, the chairman who dressed like he's going on a hot date, summoned the three guardians at his office first thing in the morning for some morale boost.

"I know that it's Valentines day and the school is buzzing with excitement." the chairman said eerily, "But there's also an increase chance that something might go wrong and expose the night class' identity." he stood up from his chair, "For that reason, I expect the three of you to be more diligent than ever, you are, after all, this school's GUARDIANS!" he said dramatically while pointing at the three.

Yuki agreed enthusiastically, completely moved by the chairman's speech. "YES SIR!"

Zero sighed, "OR! or, we should just ban this idiocy." he muttered in annoyance.

Kaien shook his head in disagreement, "Wouldn't that just inspire revolt? It's better to give them an outlet." he said, in which you slightly agreed. "besides, all my cutie vampires are just too adorable. I could never be so cruel and keep them away from their devoted fans." he continued.

Darkness loomed in Zero's face as Kaien praised the vampires.

"I understand that vampires have been the enemies of humans for centuries now," Kaien turned around to look outside his window. "but there is still vampires who wish to coexist with us." he looked at Zero, "Even though you think its impossible now, someday, I want you to give them a chance." he said seriously.

Zero averted his eyes from Kaien and muttered that its impossible, "The past can never be erased." he said, his face looked mad but you can feel the sadness and pain hidden on his beautiful lavander eyes. You wanted to comfort him so bad but you can't find the right words to ease him up.

Yuki felt the sudden tension and quickly diverted it by giving some coupons to Kaien.

"This is my gift for you chair- father. Happy Valentines day!" she announced, "and this one's for you Zero!" she handed Zero a single slave-coupon.

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