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After experiencing the ruckus at the Moon dormitory, you three started walking back to the chairman's room.

"So you're telling me, this happens everyday?" you raised an eyebrow as you asked the two guardians.

The two let out a big sigh. "Yeah, so you better be ready tomorrow. Specially since you've became a target yourself." Yuki said.

"Audible gasp." you muttered as you recall what happened a earlier.

After the Night class left you became surrounded by a mob of Day class students.

"What's your name?"
"Are you a student here?"
"Where have you been all my life~"
"So cute💕"
You were bombarded with questions. You never liked crowds because you're kinda claustrophobic. Sweat started rolling on your body like a waterfall as you tensed up. You quickly called out for help.

The two guardians saw you, Zero started shoving the crowd. He quickly reached you and tried shielding you as he does his best on intimidating and threatening the crowd.

Imagining yourself on that situation again sends shiver down your spines.

For some reason, Zero doesn't want you to experience what him and Yuki went through everyday with those fans and that adds a reason for him to pursue you to not join them as a guardian.

"You know you can still refuse the chairman right?" he asked you with a concerned tone.

You shook your head and pumped your fist. "No! I wanna be a guardian with you guys." you flash a triumphant smile to reassure him. "Besides, it will be easier with the three of us right?"

Zero sighed, there's nothing he could do. Just thinking that you're doing this because you wanna spend time with them makes him happy. He'll just do his best supporting and protecting the two of you.

As you three entered the chairman's room, you were greeted by some delicious looking foods. Since you threw up the contents of your stomach earlier so you couldn't help but to salivate.

"Ehem." Kaien fake coughed to gain your attention. He wants to show off his level 3 cooking skills.

"Damn this looked like something Gordon Ramsay would make!" you praised him because he deserves it.

"It's effin raw! Is what that Ramsay dude would say." Zero said.

Kaien pouted and asked Yuki to kick Zero's shins, which she rejected because violence is not always the answer. 🙏🏻

You three started eating dinner. Kaien asked if you enjoyed your small venture to the Moon dormitory and you told him how crazy it was. It was like if some boys/girls from Korea starts forming bands or became an idol and had some fans, its like that, kinda.

"Well, does that made you change your mind on becoming a guardian?" Kaien asked. In which you quickly said 'no'. He was relieved.

After the dinner, you guys decided its better to head at the Sun dormitory to get some rest. You quickly thanked Kaien for the grub and said your goodnight to Yuki, you're about to get your bags but you noticed Zero was already carrying it.

"Hurry up, I'm tired." he said as he opened the door. You waved at Kaien and followed Zero.

You smile at his action. You tried snatching your bag back but he quicked pulled back.

"I thought you're tired?" you asked. He responded by walking faster, you can see the tip of his ears getting redder.

"Aww my baby is such a tsundere~" you cooed. In which he told you to shut up.

You two arrived at your shared room. It was pretty spacious, furnished two sets of bed, study table, and a wardrobe.

"You wanna take a bath first?" he asked while point at a door you pressumed was the bathroom.

"Since I'm a proud environmentalist, I suggest we take our bath together to conserve water~" you teased. He quickly clench his fist and threatened to punch you.
"Kidding~ jeez your domestic violence is getting outta hands. You can take a bath first, I wanna sort my stuffs out."

He took some clothes and towels from his wardrobe and head towards the bath. You started organising your stuff.

A few minutes passed and Zero came out the bathroom. He only has his pants on and a towel on his head. He was a scrawny kid before but now he is well-packed. His arms are not thin like twigs and his ribcage is not peeking out his skin like before, only his abs was peeking out. How scandalous.

You can't help but to feel jealous at what a beefcake be became. You're insecure because you have a small and thin frame for a male, no matter how hard you tried exercising to build up some muscles, it just made you became more thin and slender.

You opened your arms for him. "My body is ready." you said seriously.

He thrown his towel at your face harshly.

"That bastard! How dare he speak like that to Lord Kaname!" Aidou spat. He is still mad pertaining the event that happened earlier.

'He even called me a thot!' he taught as his blood pressure rose up.

"Calm down thot."
"Yeah, you're being a noisy thot."
Shiki and Rima said in a straightforward manner while munching on some pocky.

Aidou's face was about burst from anger. He quickly told the two to shut up and not to call him that.

Akatsuki, Ruka, and Ichijo was on the other side listening to a certain blonde's outburst.
"Still, Aidou has a point. We can't let anyone disrespect Lord Kaname." Ruka told Akatsuki.

"Yeah sure, whatever." Akatsuki replied, not giving any fucks to be honest. Its not like the kid stabbed their dorm leader or something, he mentally thought.

His lack of enthusiasm made Ruka glared at him. Akatsuki just avoided the glared and scratched the back of his head. Ruka vented her concerns to Ichijo.

"What do you think?" she asked him.

Ichijo put his hands on his chin and hmmmmmed.
"I'll leave it up to Kaname himself."

"Ah. It's nothing, I just met someone interesting."

He recalled what Kaname said earlier. 'That must be the interesting person he mentioned this morning.' he thought.

"This will be fun." he said with a smile.

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