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It didn't take too long for you to deliver the blood packets to Kaien. After giving him the boxes, you bombarded him with a lot of questions.

"It's for the blood tablets right? What does it looked like? Was it like a liquid- oh right, it's a tablet." you spewed questions by questions.

Kaien looked lost for a moment until he realized that you never knew the existence of their project. He regained his self back and couldn't help but to also feel excited. He answered your questions one by one and took a small black box that contains the tablets and showed it to you.

"You're so cool uncle, how did you came up with such a noble project?" you asked about the blood tablet project.

"Haha, it's not me who taught about it, I'm merely just checking progress and reports." Kaien answered. "If you wanted to know more, the real pioneer is gonna fetch the goods in a minute."

You decided to wait and see the one who started the project, such a revolutionary thing to do, you couldn't help but to feel super excited.

Not too long after, a knock was heard. You sat up straight and looked at the door, "I'm coming in." a familiar voice stated.

The door swung opened and Kaname entered the room.

You're stunned. 'Was he the pioneer?' you thought to yourself. You expected someone older who wears a labcoat and looked like Einstein. You didn't anticipated that it will be him because you really don't have much opinion about him other than his fixation to Yuki and him being the dorm leader of the Night class.

Kaien beamed, he walked towards Kaname and hung his arms around Kaname's shoulders, "(M/n) meet the true pioneer of the project, my baby Kaname." he introduced.

Calling a 6'ft tall, thick boi a baby is funny and creepy at the same time because you visualised something weird.

Everyday, you stray further from God

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Everyday, you stray further from God. You promised yourself to attend church tomorrow to repent thy sins.

"Please don't call me that." Kaname said and slapped Kaien's arms lightly to remove it.

Kaien took his arms off and pouted, "Well, if wanted to ask questions about the tablets then he's the perfect guy." he said and walked back to his study table. "Kaname, his parents are our supplier. He delivered the next batch of blood samples."

"I see, I must thank you for you and your family's support through out this entire time." the tip of his lips went up slightly.

"It's actually my first time hearing about this, I never done anything," you shook your hands defensively. "but I would be more than willing to help you guys! How did you proposed such idea?" you questioned him.

"I simply wish for the coexistence of the two race." he stated, earning +50 respect and +20 admiration in your account. Could this guy get any cooler?

You continued asking him questions pertaining the tablets like the ingredients and the production. He answered each of your questions, saying that it's made out of blood by using centrifuge and treating it with anticoagulant to stop the clotting, then dehydrating the components to turn it into powder and mix some other artificial nutrients to produce it to solid tablets.

"So you're gonna use plasma separation for these bloods then?" you asked.

Kaname didn't expect you to understand what he explained, 'I guess he's really in a family of doctors then.' he praised you mentally.

"Correct, I am working with my friend's pharmaceutical company to produce it, although its still far from completion." he answered, "which reminds me, here is the report for this month." he handed papers to the chairman.

The chairman scanned the papers, 'wow, he's serious for once.' you thought. It took him a few moments to read everything and sighed.

"I guess some students still doesn't prefer it." he stated. You took a peek into the papers and read that almost half of the Night class students find the tablets unsatisfactory.

"It says here that its hard to ingest and does not taste good. I'm not a vampire so its hard to figure out what's wrong." the chairman complained. You took the report papers and intensely checked it.

"Other complaints are the side-effects. Some students claimed to have abdominal pain and vomiting." Kaname added.

"What should we do? Do you think it's the blood type?" Kaien asked, slumping sadly at his table.

"I don't think that's it." you said, your eyes are still glued to the papers.

Two pairs of eyes are on you.

"What do you mean?" Kaien asked.

"Well, I mean vampires can drink anyone's blood right? Whether what the blood type is." you stated the obvious.

"Oh yeah." Kaien muttered.

Kaname eyed you intensely.

"If blood was not the problem, that means the preparation is." you shot an eye to Kaname.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"You said that the blood were separated by centrifuge and treated by anticoagulant right?" you rephrased back his words. "Plasma separation is not stable for a long run because fibrinogen is still present and could cause make the blood go bad fast." you explained.

"Fibroge- what??" Kaien looked confused.

"Fibrinogen. It's a component for blood clotting, treating it with anticoagulant will only slow the clotting process but will not entirely stop it." you explained.

Kaien nodded, "I understand." no he doesn't. He stayed quite and listened.

Kaname on the other hand was pleasantly surprised with your wisdom. He thought you're just an idiot with a good smelling blood at the beginning but he guessed wrong.

"Do you have any proposal then?" he asked as if he was challenging you.

You smirked slightly, "I'm not 100% sure about this but have you heard about blood serum? It's the same as plasma separation but not adding any anticoagulant."

"Won't the blood start clotting then." he stated.

"Yeah but not entirely. You'll have to let it sit for atleast 30 minutes for the clotting to happen then remove the clot, the remaining will the serum which much cleaner that the plasma separation. I saw it on our hospital before, they say its much more recommended for its long shelf life." you explained. "And maybe the lower the dosage of other ingredients, maybe that's another reason for the side effects."

Kaname is beyond amazed. You gave a clear and reasonable explanation and a new strategy. His perception about you positively changed drastically. Kaien too, even though he doesn't understand what you just said, he is amazed and proud.

"Well, it's just a hypothesis tho. But I hope to give you some new insights." you said shyly.

"No, that's very helpful. I never thought about that. Thank you very much." he smiled at you.

You felt embarrassed by his sincerity and let out a small chuckle. You internally thanked your experience at the hospital and Cells at Work! for the idea.

"It's late already, I have to deliver this to the pharmaceutics." Kaname sadly said, he went and picked up the boxes.

He stopped in front of the door and turned his head to you, "If it's not too much to ask, I will like to hear your opinion again." he said.

You beamed and nodded enthusiastically.

He thanked you one last time and exited the room.

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