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"Lord Kaname."

"That gun was called Bloody Rose, it was made to kill creatures like us." Kaname said as he strutted next to his bowing companions.

Yuuki pulled out a handkerchief and ran towards (m/n), "Here use this." she said as she slighty pressed the fabric into the male's bloodied hands.

Zero stood in front of the two as if guarding them, he'll not put just guard down whenever there's a vampire around.

"I apologise for this idiot's action. I'll take care of these fools, the chairman will need a full report about this." Kaname said with a slight bow. He took Aidou by the collar and you could see his frightened and guilty expression. "Will that be alright, Kiryuu?" Kaname asked.

Zero is still scowling. He couldn't believed that you got attacked on your first night. If only he stayed by your side this wouldn't had happened.

"Just get them out of my sight." he said.

"Kain, why didn't you stop Aidou? You're just as guilty as him." Kaname pointed out. It's true though, if the two guardians didn't arrived, he would had also bitten (m/n).

Kaname looked at the two Day class girls, "What about this two girls who fainted? Should we take care of them too?" he asked.

Yuuki looked at the two fainted girls, she didn't noticed them before. "Yes please." she said, taking Kaname's offer. Her priority right now is (m/n) and the guardians couldn't probably carry the two girls while supporting (m/n).

"Umm." you said. 'They seriously forgot I'm still frozen isn't it.'

You looked at Aidou, "It would be nice if you defrost me first, anime Elsa." you said in a serious manner. Aidou quickly undo his ice, breaking you free. You suddenly slumped down the ground as you lost grip on Yuki's hand.

"What's wrong?" Yuki asked with concern and crouched down to your level.

"My legs feel numb, must be from being frozen." you said as you started caressing it.

Zero went to your side as well and undo his necktie. He pushed away the handkerchief and bind his necktie to your hands tightly. "Can you stand up?" he asked you.

You're gonna ask him to carry you princess style but its embarrassing with all this people around. "I think so, give me a minute." you tried standing up, you looked like a newborn deer because you're legs shaking like crazy. The two guardian grabbed and hung your arms around their shoulders for support.

"I deeply apologise for all of this." Kaname said towards you.

"No big deal, I'll make sure to file a lawsuit at those two for the emotion damage they caused me." you said as the two guardians dragged you away.

"Hurry up with your lawsuit. This place reeks of blood, its making me sick." Zero said in disgust.

"Hurry up and take those two to the chairman." Kaname instructed the two vampires in which they quickly complied.

They carefully carried the two fainted girls and went away to the chairman's office.

Kaname noticed the bloodied handkerchief laying on the ground. He went towards and picked it up.

'so that's why I can still smell him.' he said as he looked at the path you three took.

He gripped the handkerchief tightly before putting it inside his pocket.

"what a sweet smell."

After reporting the small incident to the chairman, you decided to take a small break at the sofa. You're still thinking if you're in a dream because everything felt so surreal. Although you've seen vampires fed blood before on the hospital, this is your first time getting bitten. It's like being pricked by a thick injection and you can't understand the feeling, you're afraid definitely but at the same time amazed by the process.

'Fruit of Eden' (Vampire Knight fanfic) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang